Commit a74ccea9 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Initial take on importlib.test.loader_tests.

parent 73662a54
to do
* Standardized loader tests.
* Use test.loader_tests
+ Create test.loader_tests.
+ Use
- builtin
- frozen
- extension
+ builtin
+ frozen
+ extension
+ source
* Reorganize support code.
import abc
import unittest
class LoaderTests(unittest.TestCase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def test_module(self):
"""A module should load without issue.
After the loader returns the module should be in sys.modules.
Attributes to verify:
* __file__
* __loader__
* __name__
* No __path__
def test_package(self):
"""Loading a package should work.
After the loader returns the module should be in sys.modules.
Attributes to verify:
* __file__
* __loader__
* __name__
* __path__
def test_lacking_parent(self):
"""A loader should not be dependent on it's parent package being
def test_module_reuse(self):
"""If a module is already in sys.modules, it should be reused."""
def test_state_after_failure(self):
"""If a module is already in sys.modules and a reload fails
(e.g. a SyntaxError), the module should be in the state it was before
the reload began."""
def test_unloadable(self):
"""Test ImportError is raised when the loader is asked to load a module
it can't."""
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