Commit a83928f7 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Several improvements, some of where were contributed by Bernhard

Herzog <>.  Specifically,

--verbose/-v flag added

pot_header added to make msgmerge and Emacs po-mode work better

normalize(), escape(), safe_eval(): Improved normalization of strings
for more .po file compatibility (e.g. C style).  Handles emmbedded
newlines better.

Also added an identity function called _() and use it in the file
where messages are printed.  This allows us to selftest
with itself as input.
parent bccfe184
......@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ internationalization of C programs. Most of these tools are independent of
the programming language and can be used from within Python programs. Martin
von Loewis' work[1] helps considerably in this regard.
There's one hole though; xgettext is the program that scans source code
There's one problem though; xgettext is the program that scans source code
looking for message strings, but it groks only C (or C++). Python introduces
a few wrinkles, such as dual quoting characters, triple quoted strings, and
raw strings. xgettext understands none of this.
Enter pygettext, which uses Python's standard tokenize module to scan Python
source code, generating .pot files identical to what GNU xgettext[2] generates
for C and C++ code. From there, the standard GNU tools can be used.
for C and C++ code. From there, the standard GNU tools can be used.
A word about marking Python strings as candidates for translation. GNU
xgettext recognizes the following keywords: gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, and
gettext_noop. But those can be a lot of text to include all over your code.
C and C++ have a trick: they use the C preprocessor. Most internationalized C
C and C++ have a trick: they use the C preprocessor. Most internationalized C
source includes a #define for gettext() to _() so that what has to be written
in the source is much less. Thus these are both translatable strings:
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ below for how to augment this.
NOTE: pygettext attempts to be option and feature compatible with GNU xgettext
where ever possible.
......@@ -74,6 +73,10 @@ Options:
If style is omitted, Gnu is used. The style name is case
insensitive. By default, locations are included.
Print the names of the files being processed.
print this help message and exit
......@@ -87,9 +90,34 @@ import time
import getopt
import tokenize
__version__ = '0.1'
__version__ = '0.2'
# for selftesting
def _(s): return s
# The normal pot-file header. msgmerge and EMACS' po-mode work better if
# it's there.
pot_header = _('''\
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: %(time)s\\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\\n"
"Generated-By: %(version)s\\n"
def usage(code, msg=''):
print __doc__ % globals()
......@@ -97,39 +125,45 @@ def usage(code, msg=''):
print msg
escapes = []
for i in range(256):
if i < 32 or i > 127:
escapes.append("\\%03o" % i)
escapes[ord('\\')] = '\\\\'
escapes[ord('\t')] = '\\t'
escapes[ord('\r')] = '\\r'
escapes[ord('\n')] = '\\n'
def escape(s):
s = list(s)
for i in range(len(s)):
s[i] = escapes[ord(s[i])]
return string.join(s, '')
def safe_eval(s):
# unwrap quotes, safely
return eval(s, {'__builtins__':{}}, {})
def normalize(s):
# This converts the various Python string types into a format that is
# appropriate for .po files, namely much closer to C style.
# unwrap quotes, safely
s = eval(s, {'__builtins__':{}}, {})
# now escape any embedded double quotes
parts = []
last = 0
i = string.find(s, '"')
while i >= 0:
# find the number of preceding backslashes
j = i
n = 0
while j >= 0 and s[i] == '\\':
j = j - 1
n = n + 1
if (n % 2) == 0:
last = i
i = string.find(s, '"', i+1)
if parts:
return '"' + string.join(parts, '') + '"'
lines = string.split(s, '\n')
if len(lines) == 1:
s = '"' + escape(s) + '"'
return '"' + s + '"'
if not lines[-1]:
del lines[-1]
lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n'
for i in range(len(lines)):
lines[i] = escape(lines[i])
s = '""\n"' + string.join(lines, '\\n"\n"') + '"'
return s
......@@ -173,7 +207,7 @@ class TokenEater:
self.__state = self.__waiting
elif ttype == tokenize.STRING:
# TBD: should we warn if we seen anything else?
def set_filename(self, filename):
......@@ -185,19 +219,21 @@ class TokenEater:
# common header
sys.stdout = fp
print '# POT file generated by', __version__
print '#', timestamp
print '#'
# The time stamp in the header doesn't have the same format
# as that generated by xgettext...
print pot_header % {'time': timestamp, 'version':__version__}
for k, v in self.__messages.items():
for filename, lineno in v:
# location comments are different b/w Solaris and GNU
d = {'filename': filename,
'lineno': lineno}
if options.location == options.SOLARIS:
print '# File: %s,' % filename, 'line: %d' % lineno
print _('# File: %(filename)s, line: %(lineno)d') % d
elif options.location == options.GNU:
print '#: %s:%d' % (filename, lineno)
print _('#: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d') % d
# TBD: sorting, normalizing
print 'msgid', k
print 'msgstr '
print 'msgid', normalize(k)
print 'msgstr ""'
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
......@@ -208,9 +244,9 @@ def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
['keyword', 'default-domain', 'help',
'add-location=', 'no-location'])
'add-location=', 'no-location', 'verbose'])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(1, msg)
......@@ -223,6 +259,7 @@ def main():
keywords = []
outfile = 'messages.pot'
location = GNU
verbose = 0
options = Options()
locations = {'gnu' : options.GNU,
......@@ -245,9 +282,12 @@ def main():
options.location = locations[string.lower(arg)]
except KeyError:
usage(1, 'Invalid value for --add-location: ' + arg)
d = {'arg':arg}
usage(1, _('Invalid value for --add-location: %(arg)s') % d)
elif opt in ('--no-location',):
options.location = 0
elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
options.verbose = 1
# calculate all keywords
......@@ -255,6 +295,8 @@ def main():
# slurp through all the files
eater = TokenEater(options)
for filename in args:
if options.verbose:
print _('Working on %(filename)s') % {'filename':filename}
fp = open(filename)
tokenize.tokenize(fp.readline, eater)
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