Commit a873fcec authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Jaap V's changes plus a few of my own -- now it seems to work.

parent ed3112c1
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ j = os.path.join
# Attempt to guess machine architecture
if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/libgl_s'): ARCH = 'sgi'
elif os.path.exists('/etc/issue'): ARCH = 'sequent'
else: ARCH = 'sun4'
# Site parametrizations (change to match your site)
......@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ SRC = j(PYTHON, 'src') # Python source directory
BLD = j(PYTHON, 'build.' + ARCH) # Python build directory
#BLD = SRC # Use this if you build in SRC
LIBINST = '/ufs/guido/src/python/irix4/tmp/lib/python/lib' # installed libraries
INCLINST = '/ufs/guido/src/python/irix4/tmp/include/Py' # installed include files
# Other packages (change to match your site)
DL = j(TOP, 'dl') # Top of the dl source tree
DL_DLD = j(TOP, 'dl-dld') # The dl-dld source directory
......@@ -88,9 +92,14 @@ READLINE = j(TOP, 'readline.' + ARCH) # Top of the GNU Readline source tree
SUN_X11 = '/usr/local/X11R5/lib/libX11.a'
# File names (usually no need to change)
LIBP = j(BLD, 'libpython.a') # Main Python library
CONFIG = j(SRC, 'config.c') # Configuration source file
FMAIN = j(SRC, 'frozenmain.c') # Special main source file
LIBP = [ # Main Python libraries
j(LIBINST, 'libPython.a'),
j(LIBINST, 'libParser.a'),
j(LIBINST, 'libObjects.a'),
j(LIBINST, 'libModules.a')
CONFIG_IN = j(LIBINST, '') # Configuration source file
FMAIN = j(LIBINST, 'frozenmain.c') # Special main source file
# Libraries needed when linking. First tuple item is built-in module
# for which it is needed (or '*' for always), rest are ld arguments.
......@@ -104,8 +113,7 @@ libdeps_sgi = [ \
('cd', '-lcdaudio', '-lds'), \
('cl', '-lcl'), \
('imgfile', '-limage', '-lgutil', '-lm'), \
('mpz', '/ufs/jh/src/gmp-1.2/libgmp.a'), \
('md5', '/ufs/jh/src/md5/md5.o'), \
('mpz', '/ufs/guido/src/gmp/libgmp.a'), \
('*', '-lsun'), \
('*', j(DL, 'libdl.a'), '-lmld'), \
('*', '-lmpc'), \
......@@ -125,6 +133,14 @@ libdeps_sun4 = [ \
('*', '-ltermcap'), \
('*', '-lc'), \
libdeps_sequent = [ \
('*', j(LIBINST, 'libreadline.a'), '-ltermcap'), \
('*', '-lsocket'), \
('*', '-linet'), \
('*', '-lnsl'), \
('*', '-lm'), \
('*', '-lc'), \
libdeps = eval('libdeps_' + ARCH)
......@@ -223,7 +239,8 @@ def process(filename, addmodules):
if not quiet: print 'NOT writing frozen.c ...'
if not dlmodules:
## if not dlmodules:
if 0:
config = CONFIG
if not quiet: print 'Using existing', config, '...'
......@@ -233,22 +250,30 @@ def process(filename, addmodules):
if not quiet:
print 'Writing config.c with dl modules ...'
f = open(CONFIG, 'r')
f = open(CONFIG_IN, 'r')
g = open(config, 'w')
m1 = regex.compile('-- ADDMODULE MARKER 1 --')
m2 = regex.compile('-- ADDMODULE MARKER 2 --')
builtinmodules = []
stdmodules = ('sys', '__main__', '__builtin__',
todomodules = builtinmodules + dlmodules
for mod in dict.keys():
if dict[mod] == '<builtin>' and \
mod not in stdmodules:
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: break
if >= 0:
if verbose: print 'Marker 1 ...'
for mod in dlmodules:
for mod in todomodules:
g.write('extern void init' + \
mod + '();\n')
if >= 0:
if verbose: print 'Marker 2 ...'
for mod in dlmodules:
for mod in todomodules:
g.write('{"' + mod + \
'", init' + mod + '},\n')
......@@ -256,18 +281,19 @@ def process(filename, addmodules):
if not quiet:
if noexec: print 'Generating compilation commands ...'
else: print 'Starting compilation ...'
defs = ['-DUSE_FROZEN', '-DPYTHONPATH=\'"."\'']
for mod in dict.keys():
if dict[mod] == '<builtin>' and mod <> 'sys':
defs.append('-DUSE_' + string.upper(mod))
defs = ['-DNO_MAIN', '-DUSE_FROZEN', '-DPYTHONPATH=\'"."\'']
incs = ['-I.', '-I' + SRC]
incs = ['-I.', '-I' + INCLINST]
if dict.has_key('stdwin'):
incs.append('-I' + j(STDWIN, 'H'))
srcs = [config, FMAIN]
if type(LIBP) == type(''):
for lib in LIBP:
for item in libdeps:
m = item[0]
if m == '*' or dict.has_key(m):
......@@ -344,7 +370,7 @@ def writefrozen(filename, dict):
for mod, codestring in codelist:
if verbose:
write('Writing initializer for %s\n'%mod)
print 'static char M_' + mod + '[' + \
print 'static unsigned char M_' + mod + '[' + \
str(len(codestring)) + '+1] = {'
for i in range(0, len(codestring), 16):
for c in codestring[i:i+16]:
......@@ -353,7 +379,7 @@ def writefrozen(filename, dict):
print '};'
print 'struct frozen {'
print ' char *name;'
print ' char *code;'
print ' unsigned char *code;'
print ' int size;'
print '} frozen_modules[] = {'
for mod, codestring in codelist:
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