Commit a88479f0 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

- Add note about complex numbers.

- Changed description of rich comparisons to emphasize that < and >
  (etc.) are each other's reflection.  Also use this word in the note
  about the demise of __rcmp__.
parent 9483bed6
......@@ -29,25 +29,32 @@ Core language, builtins, and interpreter
Classes can overload individual comparison operators by defining one
or more of the methods__lt__, __le__, __eq__, __ne__, __gt__,
__ge__. There are no explicit "reversed argument" versions of
these; instead, __lt__ and __gt__ are each other's reverse, likewise
for__le__ and __ge__; __eq__ and __ne__ are their own reverse
(similar at the C level). No other implications are made; in
particular, Python does not assume that == is the inverse of !=, or
that < is the inverse of >=. This makes it possible to define types
with partial orderings.
__ge__. There are no explicit "reflected argument" versions of
these; instead, __lt__ and __gt__ are each other's reflection,
likewise for__le__ and __ge__; __eq__ and __ne__ are their own
reflection (similar at the C level). No other implications are
made; in particular, Python does not assume that == is the Boolean
inverse of !=, or that < is the Boolean inverse of >=. This makes
it possible to define types with partial orderings.
Classes or types that want to implement (in)equality tests but not
the ordering operators (i.e. unordered types) should implement ==
and !=, and raise an error for the ordering operators.
It is possible to define types whose comparison results are not
It is possible to define types whose rich comparison results are not
Boolean; e.g. a matrix type might want to return a matrix of bits
for A < B, giving elementwise comparisons. Such types should ensure
that any interpretation of their value in a Boolean context raises
an exception, e.g. by defining __nonzero__ (or the tp_nonzero slot
at the C level) to always raise an exception.
- Complex numbers use rich comparisons to define == and != but raise
an exception for <, <=, > and >=. Unfortunately, this also means
that cmp() of two complex numbers raises an exception when the two
numbers differ. Since it is not mathematically meaningful to compare
complex numbers except for equality, I hope that this doesn't break
too much code.
- Functions and methods now support getting and setting arbitrarily
named attributes (PEP 232). Functions have a new __dict__
(a.k.a. func_dict) which hold the function attributes. Methods get
......@@ -113,7 +120,7 @@ Core language, builtins, and interpreter
subtly. Since this was a terrible gray area of the language, this
is considered an improvement. Also note that __rcmp__ is no longer
supported -- instead of calling __rcmp__, __cmp__ is called with
reversed arguments.
reflected arguments.
- In connection with the coercion changes, a new built-in singleton
object, NotImplemented is defined. This can be returned for
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