Commit a8c974c1 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Cleanup yielding a small speed boost: before rich comparisons were

introduced, list.sort() was rewritten to use only the "< or not <?"
distinction.  After rich comparisons were introduced, docompare() was
fiddled to translate a Py_LT Boolean result into the old "-1 for <,
0 for ==, 1 for >" flavor of outcome, and the sorting code was left
alone.  This left things more obscure than they should be, and turns
out it also cost measurable cycles.

So:  The old CMPERROR novelty is gone.  docompare() is renamed to islt(),
and now has the same return conditinos as PyObject_RichCompareBool.  The
SETK macro is renamed to ISLT, and is even weirder than before (don't
complain unless you want to maintain the sort code <wink>).

Overall, this yields a 1-2% speedup in the usual (no explicit function
passed to list.sort()) case when sorting arrays of floats (as
does).  The boost is higher for arrays of ints.
parent 3b01a121
......@@ -758,39 +758,28 @@ reverse_slice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi)
/* New quicksort implementation for arrays of object pointers.
Thanks to discussions with Tim Peters. */
/* CMPERROR is returned by our comparison function when an error
occurred. This is the largest negative integer (0x80000000 on a
32-bit system). */
#define CMPERROR ( (int) ((unsigned int)1 << (8*sizeof(int) - 1)) )
/* Comparison function. Takes care of calling a user-supplied
comparison function (any callable Python object). Calls the
standard comparison function, PyObject_Compare(), if the user-
supplied function is NULL. */
standard comparison function, PyObject_RichCompareBool(), if the user-
supplied function is NULL.
Returns <0 on error, >0 if x < y, 0 if x >= y. */
static int
docompare(PyObject *x, PyObject *y, PyObject *compare)
islt(PyObject *x, PyObject *y, PyObject *compare)
PyObject *res;
PyObject *args;
int i;
if (compare == NULL) {
/* NOTE: we rely on the fact here that the sorting algorithm
only ever checks whether k<0, i.e., whether x<y. So we
invoke the rich comparison function with Py_LT ('<'), and
return -1 when it returns true and 0 when it returns
false. */
i = PyObject_RichCompareBool(x, y, Py_LT);
if (i < 0)
return CMPERROR;
return -i;
if (compare == NULL)
return PyObject_RichCompareBool(x, y, Py_LT);
/* Call the user's comparison function and translate the 3-way
* result into true or false (or error).
args = PyTuple_New(2);
if (args == NULL)
return CMPERROR;
return -1;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, x);
......@@ -798,20 +787,16 @@ docompare(PyObject *x, PyObject *y, PyObject *compare)
res = PyObject_Call(compare, args, NULL);
if (res == NULL)
return CMPERROR;
return -1;
if (!PyInt_Check(res)) {
"comparison function must return int");
return CMPERROR;
return -1;
i = PyInt_AsLong(res);
if (i < 0)
return -1;
if (i > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
return i < 0;
/* MINSIZE is the smallest array that will get a full-blown samplesort
......@@ -850,17 +835,21 @@ docompare(PyObject *x, PyObject *y, PyObject *compare)
exactly in two. */
#define STACKSIZE 60
#define SETK(X,Y) if ((k = docompare(X,Y,compare))==CMPERROR) goto fail
/* Compare X to Y via islt(). Goto "fail" if the comparison raises an
error. Else "k" is set to true iff X<Y, and an "if (k)" block is
started. It makes more sense in context <wink>. X and Y are PyObject*s.
#define IFLT(X, Y) if ((k = islt(X, Y, compare)) < 0) goto fail; \
if (k)
/* binarysort is the best method for sorting small arrays: it does
few compares, but can do data movement quadratic in the number of
[lo, hi) is a contiguous slice of a list, and is sorted via
binary insertion.
binary insertion. This sort is stable.
On entry, must have lo <= start <= hi, and that [lo, start) is already
sorted (pass start == lo if you don't know!).
If docompare complains (returns CMPERROR) return -1, else 0.
If islt() complains return -1, else 0.
Even in case of error, the output slice will be some permutation of
the input (nothing is lost or duplicated).
......@@ -869,12 +858,12 @@ static int
binarysort(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject **start, PyObject *compare)
/* compare -- comparison function object, or NULL for default */
/* assert lo <= start <= hi
assert [lo, start) is sorted */
register int k;
register PyObject **l, **p, **r;
register PyObject *pivot;
assert(lo <= start && start <= hi);
/* assert [lo, start) is sorted */
if (lo == start)
for (; start < hi; ++start) {
......@@ -884,8 +873,7 @@ binarysort(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject **start, PyObject *compare)
pivot = *r;
do {
p = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
SETK(pivot, *p);
if (k < 0)
IFLT(pivot, *p)
r = p;
l = p + 1;
......@@ -906,7 +894,7 @@ binarysort(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject **start, PyObject *compare)
/* samplesortslice is the sorting workhorse.
[lo, hi) is a contiguous slice of a list, to be sorted in place.
On entry, must have lo <= hi,
If docompare complains (returns CMPERROR) return -1, else 0.
If islt() complains return -1, else 0.
Even in case of error, the output slice will be some permutation of
the input (nothing is lost or duplicated).
......@@ -1023,8 +1011,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
/* assert lo < hi */
for (r = lo+1; r < hi; ++r) {
SETK(*r, *(r-1));
if (k < 0)
IFLT(*r, *(r-1))
/* [lo,r) is sorted, [r,hi) unknown. Get out cheap if there are
......@@ -1036,8 +1023,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
benchmark-driven silliness <wink>. */
/* assert lo < hi */
for (r = lo+1; r < hi; ++r) {
SETK(*(r-1), *r);
if (k < 0)
IFLT(*(r-1), *r)
if (hi - r <= MAXMERGE) {
......@@ -1192,8 +1178,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
do {
/* slide l right, looking for key >= pivot */
do {
SETK(*l, pivot);
if (k < 0)
IFLT(*l, pivot)
......@@ -1202,8 +1187,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
/* slide r left, looking for key < pivot */
while (l < r) {
register PyObject *rval = *r--;
SETK(rval, pivot);
if (k < 0) {
IFLT(rval, pivot) {
/* swap and advance */
r[1] = *l;
*l++ = rval;
......@@ -1219,8 +1203,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
everything to the right of r is >= pivot */
if (l == r) {
SETK(*r, pivot);
if (k < 0)
IFLT(*r, pivot)
......@@ -1249,8 +1232,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
while (l < hi) {
/* pivot <= *l known */
SETK(pivot, *l);
if (k < 0)
IFLT(pivot, *l)
/* <= and not < implies == */
......@@ -1290,7 +1272,7 @@ samplesortslice(PyObject **lo, PyObject **hi, PyObject *compare)
return -1;
#undef SETK
#undef IFLT
static PyTypeObject immutable_list_type;
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