Commit aa23144d authored by Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware Committed by GitHub

Don't use `where`, it doesn't exist on XP (GH-3330)

parent 7daa45db
......@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@ if "%DO_FETCH%"=="false" goto end
if "%ORG%"=="" (set ORG=python)
call "%PCBUILD%find_python.bat" "%PYTHON%"
if "%PYTHON%"=="" (
where /Q git || echo Python 3.6 could not be found or installed, and git.exe is not on your PATH && exit /B 1
git 2>&1 > nul
if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (
if "%PYTHON%"=="" (
echo Python 3.6 could not be found or installed, and git.exe is not on your PATH && exit /B 1
echo.Fetching external libraries...
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