Commit ad3729e6 authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Move README.Emacs to the devguide.

parent 00db6aa4
Emacs support
If you want to edit Python code in Emacs, you should download python-mode.el
and install it somewhere on your load-path. See the project page to download:
While Emacs comes with a python.el file, it is not recommended.
python-mode.el is maintained by core Python developers and is generally
considered more Python programmer friendly. For example, python-mode.el
includes a killer feature called `pdbtrack` which allows you to set a pdb
breakpoint in your code, run your program in an Emacs shell buffer, and do gud
style debugging when the breakpoint is hit.
python-mode.el is compatible with both GNU Emacs from the FSF, and XEmacs.
For more information and bug reporting, see the above project page. For help,
development, or discussions, see the python-mode mailing list:
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mode: indented-text
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