Commit af59346f authored by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc's avatar Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Problem found while converting from PyBytes to PyString:

Re-enable (and correct) a test for the BOM at the beginning of a code unit.
And properly "unget" characters when the BOM is incomplete.
parent 24eac034
......@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_compile(self):
compile('print(1)\n', '', 'exec')
## bom = b'\xef\xbb\xbf'
## compile(bom + b'print(1)\n', '', 'exec')
bom = b'\xef\xbb\xbf'
compile(bom + b'print(1)\n', '', 'exec')
compile(source='pass', filename='?', mode='exec')
compile(dont_inherit=0, filename='tmp', source='0', mode='eval')
compile('pass', '?', dont_inherit=1, mode='exec')
......@@ -327,11 +327,12 @@ class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(eval('c', globals, locals), 300)
globals = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
locals = {'b': 200, 'c': 300}
## bom = b'\xef\xbb\xbf'
## self.assertEqual(eval(bom + b'a', globals, locals), 1)
bom = b'\xef\xbb\xbf'
self.assertEqual(eval(bom + b'a', globals, locals), 1)
self.assertEqual(eval('"\xe5"', globals), "\xe5")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, ())
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, bom[:2] + b'a')
def test_general_eval(self):
# Tests that general mappings can be used for the locals argument
......@@ -323,8 +323,21 @@ check_bom(int get_char(struct tok_state *),
if (ch == EOF) {
return 1;
} else if (ch == 0xEF) {
ch = get_char(tok); if (ch != 0xBB) goto NON_BOM;
ch = get_char(tok); if (ch != 0xBF) goto NON_BOM;
ch = get_char(tok);
if (ch != 0xBB) {
unget_char(ch, tok);
unget_char(0xEF, tok);
/* any token beginning with '\xEF' is a bad token */
return 1;
ch = get_char(tok);
if (ch != 0xBF) {
unget_char(ch, tok);
unget_char(0xBB, tok);
unget_char(0xEF, tok);
/* any token beginning with '\xEF' is a bad token */
return 1;
#if 0
/* Disable support for UTF-16 BOMs until a decision
is made whether this needs to be supported. */
......@@ -344,10 +357,7 @@ check_bom(int get_char(struct tok_state *),
if (tok->encoding != NULL)
tok->encoding = new_string("utf-8", 5); /* resulting is in utf-8 */
return 1;
/* any token beginning with '\xEF', '\xFE', '\xFF' is a bad token */
unget_char(0xFF, tok); /* XXX this will cause a syntax error */
/* No need to set_readline: input is already utf-8 */
return 1;
......@@ -641,7 +651,7 @@ decode_str(const char *str, struct tok_state *tok)
utf8 = translate_into_utf8(str, tok->enc);
if (utf8 == NULL)
return error_ret(tok);
str = PyBytes_AsString(utf8);
str = PyString_AsString(utf8);
for (s = str;; s++) {
if (*s == '\0') break;
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