Commit b00854ca authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka Committed by GitHub

bpo-20171: Convert the _curses and _curses_panel modules to Argument Clinic. (GH-4251)

parent d518d8bc
......@@ -91,65 +91,6 @@ static void **PyCurses_API;
static const char catchall_ERR[] = "curses function returned ERR";
static const char catchall_NULL[] = "curses function returned NULL";
/* Function Prototype Macros - They are ugly but very, very useful. ;-)
X - function name
TYPE - parameter Type
ERGSTR - format string for construction of the return value
PARSESTR - format string for argument parsing
#define NoArgNoReturnFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self) \
{ \
PyCursesInitialised \
return PyCursesCheckERR(X(), # X); }
#define NoArgOrFlagNoReturnFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self, PyObject *args) \
{ \
int flag = 0; \
PyCursesInitialised \
switch(PyTuple_Size(args)) { \
case 0: \
return PyCursesCheckERR(X(), # X); \
case 1: \
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i;True(1) or False(0)", &flag)) return NULL; \
if (flag) return PyCursesCheckERR(X(), # X); \
else return PyCursesCheckERR(no ## X (), # X); \
default: \
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, # X " requires 0 or 1 arguments"); \
return NULL; } }
#define NoArgReturnIntFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self) \
{ \
PyCursesInitialised \
return PyLong_FromLong((long) X()); }
#define NoArgReturnStringFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self) \
{ \
PyCursesInitialised \
return PyBytes_FromString(X()); }
#define NoArgTrueFalseFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self) \
{ \
PyCursesInitialised \
if (X () == FALSE) { \
} \
#define NoArgNoReturnVoidFunction(X) \
static PyObject *PyCurses_ ## X (PyObject *self) \
{ \
PyCursesInitialised \
X(); \
#ifdef __cplusplus
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/*[clinic input]
[clinic start generated code]*/
"bottom($self, /)\n"
"Push the panel to the bottom of the stack.");
{"bottom", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_bottom, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_bottom__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_bottom_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_bottom(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_bottom_impl(self);
"hide($self, /)\n"
"Hide the panel.\n"
"This does not delete the object, it just makes the window on screen invisible.");
{"hide", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_hide, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_hide__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_hide_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_hide(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_hide_impl(self);
"show($self, /)\n"
"Display the panel (which might have been hidden).");
{"show", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_show, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_show__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_show_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_show(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_show_impl(self);
"top($self, /)\n"
"Push panel to the top of the stack.");
{"top", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_top, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_top__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_top_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_top(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_top_impl(self);
"above($self, /)\n"
"Return the panel above the current panel.");
{"above", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_above, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_above__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_above_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_above(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_above_impl(self);
"below($self, /)\n"
"Return the panel below the current panel.");
{"below", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_below, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_below__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_below_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_below(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_below_impl(self);
"hidden($self, /)\n"
"Return True if the panel is hidden (not visible), False otherwise.");
{"hidden", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_hidden, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_hidden__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_hidden_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_hidden(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_hidden_impl(self);
"move($self, y, x, /)\n"
"Move the panel to the screen coordinates (y, x).");
{"move", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_move, METH_FASTCALL, _curses_panel_panel_move__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_move_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self, int y, int x);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_move(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
PyObject *return_value = NULL;
int y;
int x;
if (!_PyArg_ParseStack(args, nargs, "ii:move",
&y, &x)) {
goto exit;
return_value = _curses_panel_panel_move_impl(self, y, x);
return return_value;
"window($self, /)\n"
"Return the window object associated with the panel.");
{"window", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_window, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_window__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_window_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_window(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_window_impl(self);
"replace($self, win, /)\n"
"Change the window associated with the panel to the window win.");
{"replace", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_replace, METH_O, _curses_panel_panel_replace__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_replace_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self,
PyCursesWindowObject *win);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_replace(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *return_value = NULL;
PyCursesWindowObject *win;
if (!PyArg_Parse(arg, "O!:replace", &PyCursesWindow_Type, &win)) {
goto exit;
return_value = _curses_panel_panel_replace_impl(self, win);
return return_value;
"set_userptr($self, obj, /)\n"
"Set the panel’s user pointer to obj.");
{"set_userptr", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_set_userptr, METH_O, _curses_panel_panel_set_userptr__doc__},
"userptr($self, /)\n"
"Return the user pointer for the panel.");
{"userptr", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_panel_userptr, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_panel_userptr__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_userptr_impl(PyCursesPanelObject *self);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_panel_userptr(PyCursesPanelObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_panel_userptr_impl(self);
"bottom_panel($module, /)\n"
"Return the bottom panel in the panel stack.");
{"bottom_panel", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_bottom_panel, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_bottom_panel__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_bottom_panel_impl(PyObject *module);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_bottom_panel(PyObject *module, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_bottom_panel_impl(module);
"new_panel($module, win, /)\n"
"Return a panel object, associating it with the given window win.");
{"new_panel", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_new_panel, METH_O, _curses_panel_new_panel__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_new_panel_impl(PyObject *module, PyCursesWindowObject *win);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_new_panel(PyObject *module, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *return_value = NULL;
PyCursesWindowObject *win;
if (!PyArg_Parse(arg, "O!:new_panel", &PyCursesWindow_Type, &win)) {
goto exit;
return_value = _curses_panel_new_panel_impl(module, win);
return return_value;
"top_panel($module, /)\n"
"Return the top panel in the panel stack.");
{"top_panel", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_top_panel, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_top_panel__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_top_panel_impl(PyObject *module);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_top_panel(PyObject *module, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_top_panel_impl(module);
"update_panels($module, /)\n"
"Updates the virtual screen after changes in the panel stack.\n"
"This does not call curses.doupdate(), so you’ll have to do this yourself.");
{"update_panels", (PyCFunction)_curses_panel_update_panels, METH_NOARGS, _curses_panel_update_panels__doc__},
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_update_panels_impl(PyObject *module);
static PyObject *
_curses_panel_update_panels(PyObject *module, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _curses_panel_update_panels_impl(module);
/*[clinic end generated code: output=96f627ca0b08b96d input=a9049054013a1b77]*/
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