Commit b065e52b authored by Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Fix bug in Decimal __format__ method that swapped left and right

parent 8cbe9556
......@@ -5551,9 +5551,9 @@ def _format_align(body, spec_dict):
align = spec_dict['align']
if align == '<':
result = padding + sign + body
elif align == '>':
result = sign + body + padding
elif align == '>':
result = padding + sign + body
elif align == '=':
result = sign + padding + body
else: #align == '^'
......@@ -704,6 +704,12 @@ class DecimalFormatTest(unittest.TestCase):
('.0g', '-sNaN', '-sNaN'),
('', '1.00', '1.00'),
# check alignment
('<6', '123', '123 '),
('>6', '123', ' 123'),
('^6', '123', ' 123 '),
('=+6', '123', '+ 123'),
for fmt, d, result in test_values:
self.assertEqual(format(Decimal(d), fmt), result)
......@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Fix Decimal.__format__ bug that swapped the meanings of the '<' and
'>' alignment characters.
- Issue #1222: locale.format() bug when the thousands separator is a space
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