Commit b07c0871 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Vladimir Marangozov' performance hack: copy f_builtins from ancestor

if the globals are the same.

Also, when creating a dummy builtins dictionary, add "None" to it,
just to be kind.
parent edfae893
......@@ -164,9 +164,16 @@ PyFrame_New(tstate, code, globals, locals)
return NULL;
builtins = PyDict_GetItem(globals, builtin_object);
if (builtins != NULL && PyModule_Check(builtins))
builtins = PyModule_GetDict(builtins);
if (back == NULL || back->f_globals != globals) {
builtins = PyDict_GetItem(globals, builtin_object);
if (builtins != NULL && PyModule_Check(builtins))
builtins = PyModule_GetDict(builtins);
else {
/* If we share the globals, we share the builtins.
Save a lookup and a call. */
builtins = back->f_builtins;
if (builtins != NULL && !PyDict_Check(builtins))
builtins = NULL;
if (free_list == NULL) {
......@@ -194,9 +201,13 @@ PyFrame_New(tstate, code, globals, locals)
if (builtins == NULL) {
/* No builtins! Make up a minimal one. */
builtins = PyDict_New();
if (builtins == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Give them 'None', at least. */
if (PyDict_SetItemString(builtins, "None", Py_None) < 0)
return NULL;
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