Commit b096d3e0 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Update to reflect the recent Grammar changes.

parent e6ba0ed9
......@@ -31,46 +31,48 @@ continue_stmt = 273
return_stmt = 274
raise_stmt = 275
import_stmt = 276
dotted_name = 277
global_stmt = 278
exec_stmt = 279
assert_stmt = 280
compound_stmt = 281
if_stmt = 282
while_stmt = 283
for_stmt = 284
try_stmt = 285
except_clause = 286
suite = 287
test = 288
and_test = 289
not_test = 290
comparison = 291
comp_op = 292
expr = 293
xor_expr = 294
and_expr = 295
shift_expr = 296
arith_expr = 297
term = 298
factor = 299
power = 300
atom = 301
listmaker = 302
lambdef = 303
trailer = 304
subscriptlist = 305
subscript = 306
sliceop = 307
exprlist = 308
testlist = 309
dictmaker = 310
classdef = 311
arglist = 312
argument = 313
list_iter = 314
list_for = 315
list_if = 316
import_as_name = 277
dotted_as_name = 278
dotted_name = 279
global_stmt = 280
exec_stmt = 281
assert_stmt = 282
compound_stmt = 283
if_stmt = 284
while_stmt = 285
for_stmt = 286
try_stmt = 287
except_clause = 288
suite = 289
test = 290
and_test = 291
not_test = 292
comparison = 293
comp_op = 294
expr = 295
xor_expr = 296
and_expr = 297
shift_expr = 298
arith_expr = 299
term = 300
factor = 301
power = 302
atom = 303
listmaker = 304
lambdef = 305
trailer = 306
subscriptlist = 307
subscript = 308
sliceop = 309
exprlist = 310
testlist = 311
dictmaker = 312
classdef = 313
arglist = 314
argument = 315
list_iter = 316
list_for = 317
list_if = 318
#--end constants--
sym_name = {}
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