Commit b0f5e5a7 authored by Andrew MacIntyre's avatar Andrew MacIntyre

update OS/2 EMX port notes

parent 71d74e87
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ distribution by changing to the Python 2.3 home directory and executing the
REGRTEST.CMD batch file. The following tests are known to fail at this
- test_mhlib (I don't know of any port of MH to OS/2);
- test_pwd (see "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" item 10, probably a bug in my code);
- test_pwd (see "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" item 10);
- test_grp (as per test_pwd);
- test_strftime (see "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" item 15);
- test_strptime (see "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" item 22);
......@@ -494,6 +494,11 @@ $ETC_GROUP (%ETC_GROUP%)
$ETC/group (%ETC%/group)
$PYTHONHOME/Etc/group (%PYTHONHOME%/Etc/group)
The ETC_PASSWD and ETC_GROUP environment variables are intended to allow
support for multiple passwd/grp files, where other applications may not
support as wide a variety of input variations (drive remappings,
separators etc).
Both modules support using either the ":" character (Unix standard) or
";" (OS/2, DOS, Windows standard) field separator character, and
implements the following drive letter conversions for the home_directory and
......@@ -501,9 +506,9 @@ shell fields (for the ":" separator only):
$x -> x:
x; -> x:
Example versions of passwd and group are in the Etc subdirectory. Note
that as of this release, this code fails the regression test. I'm looking
into why, and hope to have this fixed.
Example versions of passwd and group are in the Etc subdirectory. The
regression tests (test_pwd and test_grp) will fail if valid password and
group files cannot be found, but should pass otherwise.
Be aware that Python's pwd & group modules are for reading password and
group information only.
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