Commit b3572da1 authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

#9824: encode , and ; in cookie values so that browsers don't split on them

There is a small chance of backward incompatibility here, but only for
non-SimpleCookie applications reading SimpleCookie generated cookies.  Even
then, any such ap is likely to be handling escaped values already, and it would
take a fairly perverse implementation of unescaping to fail to unescape these
newly escaped chars, so the risk seems minimal.
parent 37eff4f6
......@@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ _Translator = {
'\033' : '\\033', '\034' : '\\034', '\035' : '\\035',
'\036' : '\\036', '\037' : '\\037',
# Because of the way browsers really handle cookies (as opposed
# to what the RFC says) we also encode , and ;
',' : '\\054', ';' : '\\073',
'"' : '\\"', '\\' : '\\\\',
'\177' : '\\177', '\200' : '\\200', '\201' : '\\201',
......@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ class CookieTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_extended_encode(self):
# Issue 9824: some browsers don't follow the standard; we now
# encode , and ; to keep them from tripping up.
C = cookies.SimpleCookie()
C['val'] = "some,funky;stuff"
'Set-Cookie: val="some\\054funky\\073stuff"')
def test_special_attrs(self):
# 'expires'
C = cookies.SimpleCookie('Customer="WILE_E_COYOTE"')
......@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue 9824: SimpleCookie now encodes , and ; in values to cater to how
browsers actually parse cookies.
- Issue 9333: os.symlink now available regardless of user privileges.
The function now raises OSError on Windows >=6.0 when the user is unable
to create symbolic links. XP and 2003 still raise NotImplementedError.
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