Commit b39059d2 authored by Hye-Shik Chang's avatar Hye-Shik Chang

Test not the standard utf-8 codec but gb18030 which is the most complex

codec in multibytecodec consumers.
parent 0375a6ef
......@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ class Test_StreamWriter(unittest.TestCase):
def test_nullcoding(self):
self.assertEqual(''.decode('utf-8'), u'')
self.assertEqual(unicode('', 'utf-8'), u'')
self.assertEqual(u''.encode('utf-8'), '')
self.assertEqual(''.decode('gb18030'), u'')
self.assertEqual(unicode('', 'gb18030'), u'')
self.assertEqual(u''.encode('gb18030'), '')
def test_str_decode(self):
self.assertEqual('abcd'.encode('utf-8'), 'abcd')
self.assertEqual('abcd'.encode('gb18030'), 'abcd')
def test_main():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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