Commit b406905f authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

ord() documentation update; this is what remains applicable from

SF patch #1057588; other changes make the rest of the patch out of date
or otherwise unnecessary
parent 7ed44e52
......@@ -716,11 +716,16 @@ class C:
Return the \ASCII{} value of a string of one character or a Unicode
character. E.g., \code{ord('a')} returns the integer \code{97},
Given a string of length one, return an integer representing the
Unicode code point of the character when the argument is a unicode object,
or the value of the byte when the argument is an 8-bit string.
For example, \code{ord('a')} returns the integer \code{97},
\code{ord(u'\e u2020')} returns \code{8224}. This is the inverse of
\function{chr()} for strings and of \function{unichr()} for Unicode
\function{chr()} for 8-bit strings and of \function{unichr()} for unicode
objects. If a unicode argument is given and Python was built with
UCS2 Unicode, then the character's code point must be in the range
[0..65535] inclusive; otherwise the string length is two, and a
\exception{TypeError} will be raised.
\begin{funcdesc}{pow}{x, y\optional{, z}}
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