Commit b664d6c4 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Oops. Remove some garbage from the doc string that was accidentally

checked in due to a patching mishap.  Reported by Detlef Lannert;
parent 2eb62670
"""Word completion for GNU readline 2.0.
This requires the latest extension to the readline module (the
object=eval(expr, __main__.__dict__)
words = dir(object)
if hasattr(object,'__class__'):
completes keywords, built-ins and globals in __main__; when completing
NAME.NAME..., it evaluates (!) the expression up to the last dot and
completes its attributes.
It's very cool to do "import string" type "string.", hit the
completion key (twice), and see the list of names defined by the
def get_class_members(klass):
if hasattr(klass,'__bases__'):
for base in klass.__bases__:
ret=ret + get_class_members(base)
return ret
string module!
Tip: to use the tab key as the completion key, call
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