Commit b7df248e authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

Blocked revisions 87418 via svnmerge

  r87418 | r.david.murray | 2010-12-21 13:24:33 -0500 (Tue, 21 Dec 2010) | 10 lines

  Make test_compileall more robust by using -S to keep sys.path minimized.

  Try this again, hopefully the right way this time.

  Arfrever Taifersar Arahesis reported that test_compileall failed during Gentoo
  install because it was tyring to write .pyc files to a read-only system
  directory during test_no_args_compiles_path.  Having the tests call python
  with -S should eliminate the system directories from the path.
parent 91eea4e9
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