Commit b7f97a26 authored by Just van Rossum's avatar Just van Rossum

reverted Jack's mod: no longer neccesary since all BNDL & icon info is in the...

reverted Jack's mod: no longer neccesary since all BNDL & icon info is in the IDE's resource file, just like the other applets -- jvr
parent f76f6e25
......@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ import os
import buildtools
import Res
import py_resource
import macfs
import MACFS
......@@ -21,17 +19,6 @@ dstfilename = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "Python IDE")
buildtools.process(template, mainfilename, dstfilename, 1)
# Override the owner: IDE gets its bundle stuff from the applet
# template and only needs to set the file creator.
dest_fss = macfs.FSSpec(dstfilename)
dest_finfo = dest_fss.GetFInfo()
dest_finfo.Creator = ownertype
dest_finfo.Type = 'APPL'
dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags | MACFS.kHasBundle
dest_finfo.Flags = dest_finfo.Flags & ~MACFS.kHasBeenInited
targetref = Res.OpenResFile(dstfilename)
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