Commit b8268485 authored by Collin Winter's avatar Collin Winter

Run 2to3 over Doc/lib/sqlite3/.

parent 29902324
......@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ cur = con.cursor()
now =
cur.execute("select ?", (now,))
print cur.fetchone()[0]
......@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ cur = con.cursor()
p = Point(4.0, -3.2)
cur.execute("select ?", (p,))
print cur.fetchone()[0]
......@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ cur = con.cursor()
p = Point(4.0, -3.2)
cur.execute("select ?", (p,))
print cur.fetchone()[0]
......@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ cur.execute("create table test(x)")
cur.executemany("insert into test(x) values (?)", [("a",), ("b",)])
cur.execute("select x from test order by x collate reverse")
for row in cur:
print row
......@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ cur = con.cursor()
buffer = ""
print "Enter your SQL commands to execute in sqlite3."
print "Enter a blank line to exit."
print("Enter your SQL commands to execute in sqlite3.")
print("Enter a blank line to exit.")
while True:
line = raw_input()
line = input()
if line == "":
buffer += line
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ while True:
if buffer.lstrip().upper().startswith("SELECT"):
print cur.fetchall()
except sqlite3.Error as e:
print "An error occurred:", e.args[0]
print("An error occurred:", e.args[0])
buffer = ""
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def adapt_point(point):
return "%f;%f" % (point.x, point.y)
def convert_point(s):
x, y = map(float, s.split(";"))
x, y = list(map(float, s.split(";")))
return Point(x, y)
# Register the adapter
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ cur.execute("create table test(p point)")
cur.execute("insert into test(p) values (?)", (p,))
cur.execute("select p from test")
print "with declared types:", cur.fetchone()[0]
print("with declared types:", cur.fetchone()[0])
......@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ cur.execute("create table test(p)")
cur.execute("insert into test(p) values (?)", (p,))
cur.execute('select p as "p [point]" from test')
print "with column names:", cur.fetchone()[0]
print("with column names:", cur.fetchone()[0])
......@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ class CountCursorsConnection(sqlite3.Connection):
con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", factory=CountCursorsConnection)
cur1 = con.cursor()
cur2 = con.cursor()
print con.numcursors
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ SELECT = "select name_last, age from people order by age, name_last"
# resulting sequences to yield their elements (name_last, age):
for (name_last, age) in cur:
print '%s is %d years old.' % (name_last, age)
print('%s is %d years old.' % (name_last, age))
# 2. Equivalently:
for row in cur:
print '%s is %d years old.' % (row[0], row[1])
print('%s is %d years old.' % (row[0], row[1]))
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from people order by age")
# Retrieve all rows as a sequence and print that sequence:
print cur.fetchall()
......@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ who = "Yeltsin"
age = 72
cur.execute("select name_last, age from people where name_last=? and age=?", (who, age))
print cur.fetchone()
......@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ age = 72
cur.execute("select name_last, age from people where name_last=:who and age=:age",
{"who": who, "age": age})
print cur.fetchone()
......@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ age = 72
cur.execute("select name_last, age from people where name_last=:who and age=:age",
print cur.fetchone()
......@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ theIter = IterChars()
cur.executemany("insert into characters(c) values (?)", theIter)
cur.execute("select c from characters")
print cur.fetchall()
......@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ cur.execute("create table characters(c)")
cur.executemany("insert into characters(c) values (?)", char_generator())
cur.execute("select c from characters")
print cur.fetchall()
import sqlite3
import md5
import hashlib
def md5sum(t):
return md5.md5(t).hexdigest()
return hashlib.md5(t).hexdigest()
con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.create_function("md5", 1, md5sum)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select md5(?)", ("foo",))
print cur.fetchone()[0]
......@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ cur.execute("create table test(i)")
cur.execute("insert into test(i) values (1)")
cur.execute("insert into test(i) values (2)")
cur.execute("select mysum(i) from test")
print cur.fetchone()[0]
......@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('select ? as "x [timestamp]"', (,))
dt = cur.fetchone()[0]
print dt, type(dt)
print(dt, type(dt))
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ now =
cur.execute("insert into test(d, ts) values (?, ?)", (today, now))
cur.execute("select d, ts from test")
row = cur.fetchone()
print today, "=>", row[0], type(row[0])
print now, "=>", row[1], type(row[1])
print(today, "=>", row[0], type(row[0]))
print(now, "=>", row[1], type(row[1]))
cur.execute('select current_date as "d [date]", current_timestamp as "ts [timestamp]"')
row = cur.fetchone()
print "current_date", row[0], type(row[0])
print "current_timestamp", row[1], type(row[1])
print("current_date", row[0], type(row[0]))
print("current_timestamp", row[1], type(row[1]))
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ con.executemany("insert into person(firstname, lastname) values (?, ?)", persons
# Print the table contents
for row in con.execute("select firstname, lastname from person"):
print row
# Using a dummy WHERE clause to not let SQLite take the shortcut table deletes.
print "I just deleted", con.execute("delete from person where 1=1").rowcount, "rows"
print("I just deleted", con.execute("delete from person where 1=1").rowcount, "rows")
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ cur.execute(SELECT)
# Print a header.
for fieldDesc in cur.description:
print fieldDesc[0].ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,
print # Finish the header with a newline.
print '-' * 78
print(fieldDesc[0].ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH), end=' ')
print() # Finish the header with a newline.
print('-' * 78)
# For each row, print the value of each field left-justified within
# the maximum possible width of that field.
......@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ fieldIndices = range(len(cur.description))
for row in cur:
for fieldIndex in fieldIndices:
fieldValue = str(row[fieldIndex])
print fieldValue.ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,
print(fieldValue.ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH), end=' ')
print # Finish the row with a newline.
print() # Finish the row with a newline.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ cur = con.cursor()
# Create the table
con.execute("create table person(lastname, firstname)")
AUSTRIA = u"\xd6sterreich"
AUSTRIA = "\xd6sterreich"
# by default, rows are returned as Unicode
cur.execute("select ?", (AUSTRIA,))
......@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ assert row[0] == AUSTRIA.encode("utf-8")
# we can also implement a custom text_factory ...
# here we implement one that will ignore Unicode characters that cannot be
# decoded from UTF-8
con.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore")
cur.execute("select ?", ("this is latin1 and would normally create errors" + u"\xe4\xf6\xfc".encode("latin1"),))
con.text_factory = lambda x: str(x, "utf-8", "ignore")
cur.execute("select ?", ("this is latin1 and would normally create errors" + "\xe4\xf6\xfc".encode("latin1"),))
row = cur.fetchone()
assert type(row[0]) == unicode
assert type(row[0]) == str
# pysqlite offers a builtin optimized text_factory that will return bytestring
# objects, if the data is in ASCII only, and otherwise return unicode objects
con.text_factory = sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode
cur.execute("select ?", (AUSTRIA,))
row = cur.fetchone()
assert type(row[0]) == unicode
assert type(row[0]) == str
cur.execute("select ?", ("Germany",))
row = cur.fetchone()
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