Commit b90a8be9 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

#2676: email/ [Message.get_content_type]: Trivial regex hangs on pathological input

parent a174a373
......@@ -19,18 +19,22 @@ from email import errors
# Regular expression used to split header parameters. BAW: this may be too
# simple. It isn't strictly RFC 2045 (section 5.1) compliant, but it catches
# most headers found in the wild. We may eventually need a full fledged
# parser eventually.
paramre = re.compile(r'\s*;\s*')
# Regular expression that matches `special' characters in parameters, the
# existance of which force quoting of the parameter value.
tspecials = re.compile(r'[ \(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=]')
# Helper functions
def _splitparam(param):
# Split header parameters. BAW: this may be too simple. It isn't
# strictly RFC 2045 (section 5.1) compliant, but it catches most headers
# found in the wild. We may eventually need a full fledged parser
# eventually.
a, sep, b = param.partition(';')
if not sep:
return a.strip(), None
return a.strip(), b.strip()
def _formatparam(param, value=None, quote=True):
"""Convenience function to format and return a key=value pair.
......@@ -436,7 +440,7 @@ class Message:
if value is missing:
# This should have no parameters
return self.get_default_type()
ctype = paramre.split(value)[0].lower().strip()
ctype = _splitparam(value)[0].lower()
# RFC 2045, section 5.2 says if its invalid, use text/plain
if ctype.count('/') != 1:
return 'text/plain'
......@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #2676: in the email package, content-type parsing was hanging on
pathological input because of quadratic or exponential behaviour of a
regular expression.
- Issue #3476: binary buffered reading through the new "io" library is now
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