Commit ba0b1d9a authored by Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #25410: Made testing that od_fast_nodes and dk_entries are in sync more

parent d132f28f
......@@ -481,10 +481,12 @@ struct _odictobject {
PyDictObject od_dict; /* the underlying dict */
_ODictNode *od_first; /* first node in the linked list, if any */
_ODictNode *od_last; /* last node in the linked list, if any */
/* od_fast_nodes and od_resize_sentinel are managed by _odict_resize()
/* od_fast_nodes, od_fast_nodes_size and od_resize_sentinel are managed
* by _odict_resize().
* Note that we rely on implementation details of dict for both. */
_ODictNode **od_fast_nodes; /* hash table that mirrors the dict table */
Py_uintptr_t od_resize_sentinel; /* changes if odict should be resized */
Py_ssize_t od_fast_nodes_size;
void *od_resize_sentinel; /* changes if odict should be resized */
size_t od_state; /* incremented whenever the LL changes */
PyObject *od_inst_dict; /* OrderedDict().__dict__ */
......@@ -573,7 +575,8 @@ _odict_resize(PyODictObject *od) {
/* Replace the old fast nodes table. */
od->od_fast_nodes = fast_nodes;
od->od_resize_sentinel = (Py_uintptr_t)(((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys);
od->od_fast_nodes_size = size;
od->od_resize_sentinel = ((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys;
return 0;
......@@ -591,7 +594,8 @@ _odict_get_index(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key)
keys = ((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys;
/* Ensure od_fast_nodes and dk_entries are in sync. */
if (od->od_resize_sentinel != (Py_uintptr_t)keys) {
if (od->od_resize_sentinel != keys ||
od->od_fast_nodes_size != keys->dk_size) {
int resize_res = _odict_resize(od);
if (resize_res < 0)
return -1;
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