Commit ba5d3cb1 authored by Greg Stein's avatar Greg Stein

turn SysPathImporter into PathImporter.

parent 7f5596bb
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
import imp
import sys
import strop
import __builtin__ ### why this instead of just using __builtins__ ??
import __builtin__
# for the DirectoryImporter
import struct
......@@ -588,10 +588,11 @@ class DirectoryImporter(Importer):
# Emulate the standard sys.path import mechanism
# Emulate the standard path-style import mechanism
class SysPathImporter(Importer):
def __init__(self):
class PathImporter(Importer):
def __init__(self, path=sys.path):
self.path = path
# we're definitely going to be importing something in the future,
# so let's just load the OS-related facilities.
......@@ -604,7 +605,7 @@ class SysPathImporter(Importer):
return _fs_import(parent.__pkgdir__, modname)
# scan sys.path, looking for the requested module
for dir in sys.path:
for dir in self.path:
result = _fs_import(dir, modname)
if result:
return result
......@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ def _test_dir():
def _test_revamp():
"Debug/test function for the revamped import system."
def _print_importers():
items = sys.modules.items()
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