Commit bb0789d4 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

Update file

parent c65e5146
This directory contains only a subset of the Distutils, specifically the This directory contains only a subset of the Distutils, specifically
Python modules in the 'distutils' and 'distutils.command' packages. the Python modules in the 'distutils' and 'distutils.command'
Technically, this is all you need to distribute and install Python modules packages. This is all you need to distribute and install Python
using the Distutils. Most people will want some documentation and other modules using the Distutils. There is also a separately packaged
help, though. Currently, everything can be found at the Distutils web page: standalone version of the Distutils available for people who want to
upgrade the Distutils without upgrading Python, available from the
Distutils web page:
From there you can access the latest documentation, or download a standalone The standalone version includes all of the code in this directory,
Distutils release that includes all the code in this directory, plus plus documentation, test scripts, examples, etc.
documentation, test scripts, examples, etc.
The Distutils documentation isn't yet part of the standard Python The Distutils documentation is divided into two documents, "Installing
documentation set, but will be soon. Python Modules", which explains how to install Python packages, and
"Distributing Python Modules", which explains how to write
files. Both documents are part of the standard Python documentation
set, and are available from .
Greg Ward ( Greg Ward (
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