Commit bb6e964b authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Added support for the "Long HTML" version to the build/packaging

parent 210c7fc1
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ RELEASE=1.6a2
# These must be declared phony since there
# are directories with matching names:
.PHONY: api doc ext lib mac ref tut
.PHONY: html info
.PHONY: html info longhtml
# Main target
......@@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ htmlref:
(cd $(HTMLDIR); $(MAKE) PAPER=$(PAPER) -f ../html/Makefile tut)
(cd longhtml; $(MAKE) PAPER=$(PAPER))
# webchecker needs an extra flag to process the huge index from the libref
......@@ -260,6 +263,11 @@ html-$(RELEASE).zip: html
(cd $(HTMLDIR); \
zip -q -9 ../$@ *index.html ???/*.css ???/*.html */*.gif)
longhtml-$(RELEASE).zip: longhtml
rm -f $@
(cd longhtml; \
zip -q -9 ../$@ */*.css */*.html */*.gif)
# convenience targets:
tarhtml: html-$(RELEASE).tgz
......@@ -271,11 +279,12 @@ tarlatex: latex-$(RELEASE).tgz
tarballs: tarpdf tarps tarhtml
ziphtml: html-$(RELEASE).zip
ziplonghtml: longhtml-$(RELEASE).zip
zipps: postscript-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip
zippdf: pdf-$(PAPER)-$(RELEASE).zip
ziplatex: latex-$(RELEASE).zip
zips: zippdf zipps ziphtml
zips: zippdf zipps ziphtml ziplonghtml
bziphtml: html-$(RELEASE).tar.bz2
bzipinfo: info-$(RELEASE).tar.bz2
......@@ -296,6 +305,7 @@ distfiles: tarballs zips bzips
# - useful results: .dvi, .pdf, .ps, .texi, .info
(cd paper-$(PAPER); $(MAKE) clean)
(cd longhtml; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd $(HTMLDIR); $(MAKE) clean)
(cd $(INFODIR); $(MAKE) clean)
......@@ -310,6 +320,7 @@ clobber:
rm -f latex-$(RELEASE).tgz html-$(RELEASE).zip
rm -f pdf-$(RELEASE).zip postscript-$(RELEASE).zip
(cd paper-$(PAPER); $(MAKE) clobber)
(cd longhtml; $(MAKE) clobber)
(cd $(HTMLDIR); $(MAKE) clobber)
(cd $(INFODIR); $(MAKE) clobber)
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