Commit bb867dbc authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Updated to Waste 1.3

parent 0c2b18ab
# Generated from ':::::Waste 1.2 Distribution:WASTE C/C++ Headers:WASTE.h'
# Generated from ':::::Waste 1.3 Distribution:WASTE C/C++ Headers:WASTE.h'
kPascalStackBased = None # workaround for header parsing
weCantUndoErr = -10015
weEmptySelectionErr = -10013
weNotHandledErr = -1708
......@@ -12,6 +13,9 @@ weFlushRight = -1
weFlushDefault = 0
weCenter = 1
weJustify = 2
weDirDefault = 1
weDirRightToLeft = -1
weDirLeftToRight = 0
weDoFont = 0x0001
weDoFace = 0x0002
weDoSize = 0x0004
......@@ -56,14 +60,18 @@ weCharTypeHook = 'ctyp'
weClickLoop = 'clik'
weCurrentDrag = 'drag'
weDrawTextHook = 'draw'
weEraseHook = 'eras'
weFluxProc = 'flux'
weHiliteDropAreaHook = 'hidr'
weLineBreakHook = 'lbrk'
wePixelToCharHook = 'p2c '
wePort = 'port'
wePreTrackDragHook = 'ptrk'
weRefCon = 'refc'
weScrollProc = 'scrl'
weText = 'text'
weTranslateDragHook = 'xdrg'
weTranslucencyThreshold = 'tluc'
weTSMDocumentID = 'tsmd'
weTSMPreUpdate = 'pre '
weTSMPostUpdate = 'post'
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