Commit bc01c324 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added -b tag option to limit output to a specific branch only.

Use -b HEAD to limit output to the trunk (skip all branch revisions).
parent f2324b9e
......@@ -19,12 +19,21 @@ entry; this is useful when using something like the above cvs log
command, which shows the revisions including the given tag, while you
probably want everything *since* that tag.
The -r option reverses the output (oldest first; the default is oldest
The -b tag option restricts the output to *only* checkin messages
belonging to the given branch tag. The form -b HEAD restricts the
output to checkin messages belonging to the CVS head (trunk). (It
produces some output if tag is a non-branch tag, but this output is
not very useful.)
XXX This code was created by reverse engineering CVS 1.9 and RCS 5.7
from their output.
import os, sys, getopt, re
import os, sys, getopt
sep1 = '='*77 + '\n' # file separator
sep2 = '-'*28 + '\n' # revision separator
......@@ -33,18 +42,21 @@ def main():
"""Main program"""
truncate_last = 0
reverse = 0
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "tr")
branch = None
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "trb:")
for o, a in opts:
if o == '-t':
truncate_last = 1
elif o == '-r':
reverse = 1
elif o == '-b':
branch = a
database = []
while 1:
chunk = read_chunk(sys.stdin)
if not chunk:
records = digest_chunk(chunk)
records = digest_chunk(chunk, branch)
if truncate_last:
del records[-1]
database[len(database):] = records
......@@ -77,8 +89,8 @@ def read_chunk(fp):
return chunk
def digest_chunk(chunk):
"""Digest a chunk -- extrach working file name and revisions"""
def digest_chunk(chunk, branch=None):
"""Digest a chunk -- extract working file name and revisions"""
lines = chunk[0]
key = 'Working file:'
keylen = len(key)
......@@ -88,6 +100,26 @@ def digest_chunk(chunk):
working_file = None
if branch and branch != "HEAD":
revisions = {}
key = 'symbolic names:\n'
found = 0
for line in lines:
if line == key:
found = 1
elif found:
if line[0] in '\t ':
tag, rev = line.split()
if tag[-1] == ':':
tag = tag[:-1]
revisions[tag] = rev
found = 0
rev = revisions.get(branch)
if rev:
if rev.find('.0.') >= 0:
rev = rev.replace('.0.', '.') + '.'
branch = rev or "<>" # <> to force a mismatch
records = []
for lines in chunk[1:]:
revline = lines[0]
......@@ -114,6 +146,12 @@ def digest_chunk(chunk):
rev = None
text.insert(0, revline)
if branch:
if branch == "HEAD":
if rev is not None and rev.count('.') > 1:
elif rev is None or not rev.startswith(branch):
records.append((date, working_file, rev, author, text))
return records
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