Commit bd6b91f7 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

test_cmd_line_script: format paths with ascii() instead of repr()

Fix the test if the native filesystem encoding is not utf-8 (eg. cp1250 on
parent d9fd10d8
......@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ f()
assertEqual(result, ['Top level assignment', 'Lower level reference'])
# Check population of magic variables
assertEqual(__name__, '__main__')
print('__file__==%r' % __file__)
print('__file__==%a' % __file__)
assertEqual(__cached__, None)
print('__package__==%r' % __package__)
# Check the sys module
import sys
assertIdentical(globals(), sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
print('sys.argv[0]==%r' % sys.argv[0])
print('sys.path[0]==%r' % sys.path[0])
print('sys.argv[0]==%a' % sys.argv[0])
print('sys.path[0]==%a' % sys.path[0])
# Check the working directory
import os
print('cwd==%r' % os.getcwd())
print('cwd==%a' % os.getcwd())
def _make_test_script(script_dir, script_basename, source=test_source):
......@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
print("Output from test script %r:" % script_name)
self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0)
printed_file = '__file__==%r' % expected_file
printed_file = '__file__==%a' % expected_file
printed_package = '__package__==%r' % expected_package
printed_argv0 = 'sys.argv[0]==%r' % expected_argv0
printed_path0 = 'sys.path[0]==%r' % expected_path0
printed_cwd = 'cwd==%r' % os.getcwd()
printed_argv0 = 'sys.argv[0]==%a' % expected_argv0
printed_path0 = 'sys.path[0]==%a' % expected_path0
printed_cwd = 'cwd==%a' % os.getcwd()
if verbose > 1:
print('Expected output:')
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