Commit be04cc0b authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Quote the path to the executable before invoking system().

parent abf6a020
......@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@ int make_buildinfo2()
RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\TortoiseSVN", &hTortoise) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
/* Tortoise not installed */
return 0;
size = sizeof(command);
if (RegQueryValueEx(hTortoise, "Directory", 0, &type, command, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
command[0] = '"'; /* quote the path to the executable */
size = sizeof(command) - 1;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hTortoise, "Directory", 0, &type, command+1, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
type != REG_SZ)
/* Registry corrupted */
return 0;
strcat(command, "bin\\subwcrev.exe");
strcat(command, "bin\\subwcrev.exe\"");
if (_stat(command, &st) < 0)
/* subwcrev.exe not part of the release */
return 0;
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