Commit bf26e070 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Worm around MSVC6 error on single string literal > 2Kb.

parent 38f74419
......@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
#include "Python.h"
/* Caution: MS Visual C++ 6 errors if a single string literal exceeds
* 2Kb. So the module docstring has been broken roughly in half, using
* compile-time literal concatenation.
static char
module__doc__[] =
"Python's standard exception class hierarchy.\n\
......@@ -41,8 +45,9 @@ interpreter.\n\
Here is a rundown of the class hierarchy. The classes found here are\n\
inserted into both the exceptions module and the `built-in' module. It is\n\
recommended that user defined class based exceptions be derived from the\n\
`Exception' class, although this is currently not enforced.\n\
`Exception' class, although this is currently not enforced.\n"
/* keep string pieces "small" */
+-- SystemExit\n\
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