Commit bf72b716 authored by Raymond Hettinger's avatar Raymond Hettinger


* Improve algorithm -- no more O(n) steps except sched.cancel().
* Improve thread safety of and sched.empty()
  (other threads could alter the queue between the time the queue was
   first checked and when the lead event was deleted).
* Localize variable access in to minimize overhead.
parent 6f5b741a
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ integers or floating point numbers, as long as it is consistent.
Events are specified by tuples (time, priority, action, argument).
As in UNIX, lower priority numbers mean higher priority; in this
way the queue can be maintained fully sorted. Execution of the
way the queue can be maintained as a priority queue. Execution of the
event means calling the action function, passing it the argument.
Remember that in Python, multiple function arguments can be packed
in a tuple. The action function may be an instance method so it
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Parameterless functions or methods cannot be used, however.
# XXX instead of having to define a module or class just to hold
# XXX the global state of your particular time and delay functions.
import bisect
import heapq
__all__ = ["scheduler"]
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class scheduler:
event = time, priority, action, argument
bisect.insort(self.queue, event)
heapq.heappush(self.queue, event)
return event # The ID
def enter(self, delay, priority, action, argument):
......@@ -68,10 +68,11 @@ class scheduler:
def empty(self):
"""Check whether the queue is empty."""
return len(self.queue) == 0
return not not self.queue
def run(self):
"""Execute events until the queue is empty.
......@@ -94,13 +95,23 @@ class scheduler:
# localize variable access to minimize overhead
# and to improve thread safety
q = self.queue
delayfunc = self.delayfunc
timefunc = self.timefunc
pop = heapq.heappop
while q:
time, priority, action, argument = q[0]
now = self.timefunc()
time, priority, action, argument = checked_event = q[0]
now = timefunc()
if now < time:
self.delayfunc(time - now)
delayfunc(time - now)
del q[0]
void = action(*argument)
self.delayfunc(0) # Let other threads run
event = pop(q)
# Verify that the event was not removed or altered
# by another thread after we last looked at q[0].
if event is checked_event:
void = action(*argument)
delayfunc(0) # Let other threads run
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