Commit bf77c465 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Undo change from list to dict for handling varnames, consts, etc.

As the doc string for _lookupName() explains:

    This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
    dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
    same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L.  The compiler
    must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
    comparison before comparing the values.
parent 5a9ac970
......@@ -15,17 +15,6 @@ def xxx_sort(l):
return l
def list2dict(l):
d = {}
for i in range(len(l)):
d[l[i]] = i
return d
def dict2list(d):
l = [(v, k) for k, v in d.items()]
return [k for v, k in l]
class FlowGraph:
def __init__(self):
self.current = self.entry = Block()
......@@ -457,12 +446,6 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
assert self.stage == FLAT
self.consts.insert(0, self.docstring)
self.c_varnames = list2dict(self.varnames)
self.c_names = list2dict(self.names)
self.c_consts = list2dict(self.consts)
self.c_closure = list2dict(self.closure)
for i in range(len(self.insts)):
t = self.insts[i]
if len(t) == 2:
......@@ -470,12 +453,6 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
conv = self._converters.get(opname, None)
if conv:
self.insts[i] = opname, conv(self, oparg)
self.varnames = dict2list(self.c_varnames)
self.names = dict2list(self.c_names)
self.consts = dict2list(self.c_consts)
self.closure = dict2list(self.c_closure)
self.stage = CONV
def sort_cellvars(self):
......@@ -491,23 +468,18 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
self.cellvars = self.cellvars + cells.keys()
self.closure = self.cellvars + self.freevars
def _lookupName(self, name, dict):
i = dict.get(name, None)
if i is None:
i = dict[name] = len(dict)
return i
def _lookupName(self, name, list):
"""Return index of name in list, appending if necessary
def XXX_lookupName(self, name, list):
"""Return index of name in list, appending if necessary"""
# XXX It should be possible to replace this with some
# dictionary operations, but not sure how
This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L. The compiler
must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
comparison before comparing the values.
t = type(name)
for i in range(len(list)):
# must do a comparison on type first to prevent UnicodeErrors
# not clear that a dictionary would work, because we could
# get UnicodeErrors on lookups
elt = list[i]
if isinstance(elt, t) and elt == name:
if t == type(list[i]) and list[i] == name:
return i
end = len(list)
......@@ -517,21 +489,22 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
def _convert_LOAD_CONST(self, arg):
if hasattr(arg, 'getCode'):
arg = arg.getCode()
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_consts)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts)
def _convert_LOAD_FAST(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
_convert_STORE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
_convert_DELETE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
def _convert_LOAD_NAME(self, arg):
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
def _convert_NAME(self, arg):
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
_convert_STORE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_DELETE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_IMPORT_NAME = _convert_NAME
......@@ -544,15 +517,15 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
_convert_DELETE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
def _convert_DEREF(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_closure)
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_convert_LOAD_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
_convert_STORE_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
def _convert_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_closure)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_cmp = list(dis.cmp_op)
def _convert_COMPARE_OP(self, arg):
......@@ -15,17 +15,6 @@ def xxx_sort(l):
return l
def list2dict(l):
d = {}
for i in range(len(l)):
d[l[i]] = i
return d
def dict2list(d):
l = [(v, k) for k, v in d.items()]
return [k for v, k in l]
class FlowGraph:
def __init__(self):
self.current = self.entry = Block()
......@@ -457,12 +446,6 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
assert self.stage == FLAT
self.consts.insert(0, self.docstring)
self.c_varnames = list2dict(self.varnames)
self.c_names = list2dict(self.names)
self.c_consts = list2dict(self.consts)
self.c_closure = list2dict(self.closure)
for i in range(len(self.insts)):
t = self.insts[i]
if len(t) == 2:
......@@ -470,12 +453,6 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
conv = self._converters.get(opname, None)
if conv:
self.insts[i] = opname, conv(self, oparg)
self.varnames = dict2list(self.c_varnames)
self.names = dict2list(self.c_names)
self.consts = dict2list(self.c_consts)
self.closure = dict2list(self.c_closure)
self.stage = CONV
def sort_cellvars(self):
......@@ -491,23 +468,18 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
self.cellvars = self.cellvars + cells.keys()
self.closure = self.cellvars + self.freevars
def _lookupName(self, name, dict):
i = dict.get(name, None)
if i is None:
i = dict[name] = len(dict)
return i
def _lookupName(self, name, list):
"""Return index of name in list, appending if necessary
def XXX_lookupName(self, name, list):
"""Return index of name in list, appending if necessary"""
# XXX It should be possible to replace this with some
# dictionary operations, but not sure how
This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L. The compiler
must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
comparison before comparing the values.
t = type(name)
for i in range(len(list)):
# must do a comparison on type first to prevent UnicodeErrors
# not clear that a dictionary would work, because we could
# get UnicodeErrors on lookups
elt = list[i]
if isinstance(elt, t) and elt == name:
if t == type(list[i]) and list[i] == name:
return i
end = len(list)
......@@ -517,21 +489,22 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
def _convert_LOAD_CONST(self, arg):
if hasattr(arg, 'getCode'):
arg = arg.getCode()
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_consts)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts)
def _convert_LOAD_FAST(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
_convert_STORE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
_convert_DELETE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
def _convert_LOAD_NAME(self, arg):
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
def _convert_NAME(self, arg):
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
_convert_STORE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_DELETE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_IMPORT_NAME = _convert_NAME
......@@ -544,15 +517,15 @@ class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
_convert_DELETE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
def _convert_DEREF(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_closure)
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_convert_LOAD_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
_convert_STORE_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
def _convert_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.c_varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.c_closure)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_cmp = list(dis.cmp_op)
def _convert_COMPARE_OP(self, arg):
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