Commit c0001d51 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Blocked revisions 77798 via svnmerge

  r77798 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-01-27 21:59:50 +0100 (mer., 27 janv. 2010) | 8 lines

  Issue #7610: Reworked implementation of the internal
  :class:`zipfile.ZipExtFile` class used to represent files stored inside
  an archive.  The new implementation is significantly faster and can
  be wrapped in a :class:`io.BufferedReader` object for more speedups.
  It also solves an issue where interleaved calls to `read()` and
  `readline()` give wrong results.  Patch by Nir Aides.
parent 7586a349
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