Commit c0632f44 authored by Andrew Svetlov's avatar Andrew Svetlov

Merge with 3.2

parents 1f2e992a 53c64dbf
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ What's New in IDLE 3.3?
- IDLE can be launched as `python -m idlelib`
- Issue #14409: IDLE doesn't not execute commands from shell,
error with default keybinding for Return. (Patch by Roger Serwy)
- Issue #3573: IDLE hangs when passing invalid command line args
(directory(ies) instead of file(s)).
......@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ class IdleConf:
'<<replace>>': ['<Control-h>'],
'<<goto-line>>': ['<Alt-g>'],
'<<smart-backspace>>': ['<Key-BackSpace>'],
'<<newline-and-indent>>': ['<Key-Return> <Key-KP_Enter>'],
'<<newline-and-indent>>': ['<Key-Return>', '<Key-KP_Enter>'],
'<<smart-indent>>': ['<Key-Tab>'],
'<<indent-region>>': ['<Control-Key-bracketright>'],
'<<dedent-region>>': ['<Control-Key-bracketleft>'],
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #14409: IDLE doesn't not execute commands from shell,
error with default keybinding for Return. (Patch by Roger Serwy)
- Issue #14416: syslog now defines the LOG_ODELAY and LOG_AUTHPRIV constants
if they are defined in <syslog.h>.
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