Commit c1419578 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy Committed by GitHub

bpo-36396: Remove fgBg param of idlelib.config.GetHighlight() (GH-12491)

This param was only used once and changed the return type.
parent 50865893
......@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ Released on 2019-10-20?
bpo-36396: Remove fgBg param of idlelib.config.GetHighlight().
This param was only used twice and changed the return type.
bpo-23216: IDLE: Add docstrings to search modules.
bpo-36176: Fix IDLE autocomplete & calltip popup colors.
Prevent conflicts with Linux dark themes
(and slightly darken calltip background).
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def color_config(text):
# Not automatic because ColorDelegator does not know 'text'.
theme = idleConf.CurrentTheme()
normal_colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'normal')
cursor_color = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'cursor', fgBg='fg')
cursor_color = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'cursor')['foreground']
select_colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, 'hilite')
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import idlelib
class InvalidConfigType(Exception): pass
class InvalidConfigSet(Exception): pass
class InvalidFgBg(Exception): pass
class InvalidTheme(Exception): pass
class IdleConfParser(ConfigParser):
......@@ -283,34 +282,20 @@ class IdleConf:
raise InvalidConfigSet('Invalid configSet specified')
return cfgParser.sections()
def GetHighlight(self, theme, element, fgBg=None):
"""Return individual theme element highlight color(s).
def GetHighlight(self, theme, element):
"""Return dict of theme element highlight colors.
fgBg - string ('fg' or 'bg') or None.
If None, return a dictionary containing fg and bg colors with
keys 'foreground' and 'background'. Otherwise, only return
fg or bg color, as specified. Colors are intended to be
appropriate for passing to Tkinter in, e.g., a tag_config call).
The keys are 'foreground' and 'background'. The values are
tkinter color strings for configuring backgrounds and tags.
if self.defaultCfg['highlight'].has_section(theme):
themeDict = self.GetThemeDict('default', theme)
themeDict = self.GetThemeDict('user', theme)
fore = themeDict[element + '-foreground']
if element == 'cursor': # There is no config value for cursor bg
back = themeDict['normal-background']
back = themeDict[element + '-background']
highlight = {"foreground": fore, "background": back}
if not fgBg: # Return dict of both colors
return highlight
else: # Return specified color only
if fgBg == 'fg':
return highlight["foreground"]
if fgBg == 'bg':
return highlight["background"]
raise InvalidFgBg('Invalid fgBg specified')
cfg = ('default' if self.defaultCfg['highlight'].has_section(theme)
else 'user')
theme_dict = self.GetThemeDict(cfg, theme)
fore = theme_dict[element + '-foreground']
if element == 'cursor':
element = 'normal'
back = theme_dict[element + '-background']
return {"foreground": fore, "background": back}
def GetThemeDict(self, type, themeName):
"""Return {option:value} dict for elements in themeName.
......@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ class HighPage(Frame):
colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, element)
if element == 'cursor': # Cursor sample needs special painting.
colors['background'] = idleConf.GetHighlight(
theme, 'normal', fgBg='bg')
theme, 'normal')['background']
# Handle any unsaved changes to this theme.
if theme in changes['highlight']:
theme_dict = changes['highlight'][theme]
......@@ -373,10 +373,6 @@ class IdleConfTest(unittest.TestCase):
eq = self.assertEqual
eq(conf.GetHighlight('IDLE Classic', 'normal'), {'foreground': '#000000',
'background': '#ffffff'})
eq(conf.GetHighlight('IDLE Classic', 'normal', 'fg'), '#000000')
eq(conf.GetHighlight('IDLE Classic', 'normal', 'bg'), '#ffffff')
with self.assertRaises(config.InvalidFgBg):
conf.GetHighlight('IDLE Classic', 'normal', 'fb')
# Test cursor (this background should be normal-background)
eq(conf.GetHighlight('IDLE Classic', 'cursor'), {'foreground': 'black',
......@@ -606,40 +606,35 @@ class HighPageTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_paint_theme_sample(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
d =
del d.paint_theme_sample
hs_tag = d.highlight_sample.tag_cget
page =
del page.paint_theme_sample # Delete masking mock.
hs_tag = page.highlight_sample.tag_cget
gh = idleConf.GetHighlight
fg = 'foreground'
bg = 'background'
# Create custom theme based on IDLE Dark.
d.builtin_name.set('IDLE Dark')
page.builtin_name.set('IDLE Dark')
theme = 'IDLE Test'
d.set_color_sample.called = 0
page.set_color_sample.called = 0
# Base theme with nothing in `changes`.
eq(hs_tag('break', fg), gh(theme, 'break', fgBg='fg'))
eq(hs_tag('cursor', bg), gh(theme, 'normal', fgBg='bg'))
self.assertNotEqual(hs_tag('console', fg), 'blue')
self.assertNotEqual(hs_tag('console', bg), 'yellow')
eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 1)
new_console = {'foreground': 'blue',
'background': 'yellow',}
for key, value in new_console.items():
self.assertNotEqual(hs_tag('console', key), value)
eq(page.set_color_sample.called, 1)
# Apply changes.
changes.add_option('highlight', theme, 'console-foreground', 'blue')
changes.add_option('highlight', theme, 'console-background', 'yellow')
eq(hs_tag('break', fg), gh(theme, 'break', fgBg='fg'))
eq(hs_tag('cursor', bg), gh(theme, 'normal', fgBg='bg'))
eq(hs_tag('console', fg), 'blue')
eq(hs_tag('console', bg), 'yellow')
eq(d.set_color_sample.called, 2)
for key, value in new_console.items():
changes.add_option('highlight', theme, 'console-'+key, value)
for key, value in new_console.items():
eq(hs_tag('console', key), value)
eq(page.set_color_sample.called, 2)
d.paint_theme_sample = Func()
page.paint_theme_sample = Func()
def test_delete_custom(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
Remove fgBg param of idlelib.config.GetHighlight(). This param was only used
twice and changed the return type.
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