Commit c155b262 authored by Hye-Shik Chang's avatar Hye-Shik Chang

Fix input() builtin function to respect compiler flags.

(SF patch 876178, patch by mwh, unittest by perky)
parent 046a6843
......@@ -931,6 +931,19 @@ class BuiltinTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(input(), 'whitespace')
sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.assertRaises(EOFError, input)
# SF 876178: make sure input() respect future options.
sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO('1/2')
sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
exec compile('print input()', 'test_builtin_tmp', 'exec'), 0)
exec compile('from __future__ import division;print input()',
'test_builtin_tmp', 'exec'), 0)
exec compile('print input()', 'test_builtin_tmp', 'exec')
['0', '0.5', '0'])
del sys.stdout
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, input, 'prompt')
del sys.stdin
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ What's New in Python 2.4 alpha 1?
Core and builtins
- input() builtin function now respects compiler flags such as
__future__ statements. SF patch 876178.
- Removed PendingDeprecationWarning from apply(). apply() remains
deprecated, but the nuisance warning will not be issued.
......@@ -979,6 +979,7 @@ builtin_input(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
char *str;
PyObject *res;
PyObject *globals, *locals;
PyCompilerFlags cf;
line = builtin_raw_input(self, args);
if (line == NULL)
......@@ -994,7 +995,9 @@ builtin_input(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyEval_GetBuiltins()) != 0)
return NULL;
res = PyRun_String(str, Py_eval_input, globals, locals);
cf.cf_flags = 0;
res = PyRun_StringFlags(str, Py_eval_input, globals, locals, &cf);
return res;
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