Commit c1b76e4a authored by Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Suppress the warning in asynchat from using buffer() when running udner -3.

Naively removing the usage causes a large number of test failures, so it was
just easier to suppress the warning.
parent 76b8bee2
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ you - by calling your self.found_terminator() method.
import socket
import asyncore
from collections import deque
from test.test_support import catch_warning
from warnings import filterwarnings
class async_chat (asyncore.dispatcher):
"""This is an abstract class. You must derive from this class, and add
......@@ -216,7 +218,9 @@ class async_chat (asyncore.dispatcher):
# handle classic producer behavior
obs = self.ac_out_buffer_size
data = buffer(first, 0, obs)
with catch_warning(record=False):
filterwarnings("ignore", ".*buffer", DeprecationWarning)
data = buffer(first, 0, obs)
except TypeError:
data = first.more()
if data:
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Library
the reload() built-in has been removed.
- Changed code in the following modules/packages to remove warnings raised
while running under the ``-3`` flag: aifc, asyncore, bdb, bsddb,
while running under the ``-3`` flag: aifc, asynchat, asyncore, bdb, bsddb,
ConfigParser, cookielib, DocXMLRPCServer, email, filecmp, fileinput, inspect,
logging, modulefinder, pdb, pickle, profile, pstats, pydoc, re, rlcompleter,
SimpleXMLRPCServer, shelve, socket, subprocess, sqlite3, tarfile, Tkinter,
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