Commit c1c2b3e0 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

dis(): This had a problem with proto 0 pickles, in that POP sometimes

popped a MARK, but without stack emulation the disassembler couldn't
know that, and subsequent indentation got hosed.

Now the disassembler does do enough stack emulation to catch this.  While
I was at it, also added lots of sanity checks for other stack operations,
and correct use of the memo.  This goes (I think) a long way toward being
a "pickle verifier" now too.
parent 5d9113d8
......@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ dis(pickle, out=None, indentlevel=4)
# Other ideas:
# - A pickle verifier: read a pickle and check it exhaustively for
# well-formedness.
# well-formedness. dis() does a lot of this already.
# - A protocol identifier: examine a pickle and return its protocol number
# (== the highest .proto attr value among all the opcodes in the pickle).
# dis() already prints this info at the end.
# - A pickle optimizer: for example, tuple-building code is sometimes more
# elaborate than necessary, catering for the possibility that the tuple
......@@ -712,6 +713,9 @@ class StackObject(object):
assert isinstance(doc, str)
self.doc = doc
def __repr__(self):
pyint = StackObject(
......@@ -1858,10 +1862,33 @@ def dis(pickle, out=None, indentlevel=4):
Optional arg indentlevel is the number of blanks by which to indent
a new MARK level. It defaults to 4.
In addition to printing the disassembly, some sanity checks are made:
+ All embedded opcode arguments "make sense".
+ Explicit and implicit pop operations have enough items on the stack.
+ When an opcode implicitly refers to a markobject, a markobject is
actually on the stack.
+ A memo entry isn't referenced before it's defined.
+ The markobject isn't stored in the memo.
+ A memo entry isn't redefined.
markstack = []
# Most of the hair here is for sanity checks, but most of it is needed
# anyway to detect when a protocol 0 POP takes a MARK off the stack
# (which in turn is needed to indent MARK blocks correctly).
stack = [] # crude emulation of unpickler stack
memo = {} # crude emulation of unpicker memo
maxproto = -1 # max protocol number seen
markstack = [] # bytecode positions of MARK opcodes
indentchunk = ' ' * indentlevel
errormsg = None
for opcode, arg, pos in genops(pickle):
if pos is not None:
print >> out, "%5d:" % pos,
......@@ -1870,12 +1897,54 @@ def dis(pickle, out=None, indentlevel=4):
indentchunk * len(markstack),
maxproto = max(maxproto, opcode.proto)
# See whether a MARK should be popped.
before = opcode.stack_before # don't mutate
after = opcode.stack_after # don't mutate
markmsg = None
if markstack and markobject in opcode.stack_before:
assert markobject not in opcode.stack_after
markpos = markstack.pop()
if markpos is not None:
markmsg = "(MARK at %d)" % markpos
if markobject in before or ( == "POP" and
stack and
stack[-1] is markobject):
assert markobject not in after
if markstack:
markpos = markstack.pop()
if markpos is None:
markmsg = "(MARK at unknown opcode offset)"
markmsg = "(MARK at %d)" % markpos
# Pop everything at and after the topmost markobject.
while stack[-1] is not markobject:
# Remove markobject stuff from stack_before.
i = before.index(markobject)
before = before[:i]
except ValueError:
assert == "POP"
assert len(before) == 1
before = [] # stop code later from popping again
errormsg = markmsg = "no MARK exists on stack"
# Check for correct memo usage.
if in ("PUT", "BINPUT", "LONG_BINPUT"):
if arg in memo:
errormsg = "memo key %r already defined" % arg
elif not stack:
errormsg = "stack is empty -- can't store into memo"
elif stack[-1] is markobject:
errormsg = "can't store markobject in the memo"
memo[arg] = stack[-1]
elif in ("GET", "BINGET", "LONG_BINGET"):
if arg in memo:
assert len(after) == 1
after = [memo[arg]] # for better stack emulation
errormsg = "memo key %r has never been stored into" % arg
if arg is not None or markmsg:
# make a mild effort to align arguments
......@@ -1886,10 +1955,27 @@ def dis(pickle, out=None, indentlevel=4):
line += ' ' + markmsg
print >> out, line
if markobject in opcode.stack_after:
if errormsg:
# Note that we delayed complaining until the offending opcode
# was printed.
raise ValueError(errormsg)
# Emulate the stack effects.
n = len(before)
if len(stack) < n:
raise ValueError("tried to pop %d items from stack with "
"only %d items" % (n, len(stack)))
if n:
del stack[-n:]
if markobject in after:
assert markobject not in opcode.stack_before
print >> out, "highest protocol among opcodes =", maxproto
if stack:
raise ValueError("stack not empty after STOP: %r" % stack)
_dis_test = r"""
>>> import pickle
......@@ -1919,6 +2005,7 @@ _dis_test = r"""
49: a APPEND
50: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
Try again with a "binary" pickle.
......@@ -1943,6 +2030,7 @@ Try again with a "binary" pickle.
37: e APPENDS (MARK at 3)
38: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 1
Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family.
......@@ -1951,6 +2039,7 @@ Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family.
0: c GLOBAL 'random random'
15: p PUT 0
18: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
>>> x = [pickle.PicklingError()] * 2
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 0))
......@@ -1973,6 +2062,7 @@ Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family.
52: g GET 1
55: a APPEND
56: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 1))
......@@ -1993,6 +2083,7 @@ Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family.
46: h BINGET 2
48: e APPENDS (MARK at 3)
49: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 1
Try "the canonical" recursive-object test.
......@@ -2017,6 +2108,8 @@ True
10: p PUT 1
13: a APPEND
14: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 1))
1: q BINPUT 0
......@@ -2026,13 +2119,11 @@ True
7: q BINPUT 1
10: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 1
The protocol 0 pickle of the tuple causes the disassembly to get confused,
as it doesn't realize that the POP opcode at 16 gets rid of the MARK at 0
(so the output remains indented until the end). The protocol 1 pickle
doesn't trigger this glitch, because the disassembler realizes that
POP_MARK gets rid of the MARK. Doing a better job on the protocol 0
pickle would require the disassembler to emulate the stack.
Note that, in the protocol 0 pickle of the recursive tuple, the disassembler
has to emulate the stack in order to realize that the POP opcode at 16 gets
rid of the MARK at 0.
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 0))
0: ( MARK
......@@ -2045,9 +2136,11 @@ pickle would require the disassembler to emulate the stack.
11: p PUT 1
14: a APPEND
15: 0 POP
16: 0 POP
17: g GET 1
20: . STOP
16: 0 POP (MARK at 0)
17: g GET 1
20: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 1))
0: ( MARK
......@@ -2060,6 +2153,7 @@ pickle would require the disassembler to emulate the stack.
11: 1 POP_MARK (MARK at 0)
12: h BINGET 1
14: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 1
Try protocol 2.
......@@ -2072,6 +2166,7 @@ Try protocol 2.
8: q BINPUT 1
10: a APPEND
11: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
>>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 2))
0: \x80 PROTO 2
......@@ -2084,6 +2179,7 @@ Try protocol 2.
11: 0 POP
12: h BINGET 1
14: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
__test__ = {'disassembler_test': _dis_test,
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