Commit c1d98d68 authored by Senthil Kumaran's avatar Senthil Kumaran

Mouse support and colour to Demo/curses/ by Dafydd Crosby

parent 24aa26b0
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -- A curses-based version of Conway's Game of Life.
# Contributed by AMK
# Mouse support and colour by Dafydd Crosby
# An empty board will be displayed, and the following commands are available:
# E : Erase the board
......@@ -12,8 +13,6 @@
# Space or Enter : Toggle the contents of the cursor's position
# TODO :
# Support the mouse
# Use colour if available
# Make board updates faster
......@@ -75,7 +74,11 @@ class LifeBoard:
self.scr.addch(y+1, x+1, ' ')
self.state[x,y] = 1
if curses.has_colors():
#Let's pick a random color!
self.scr.addch(y+1, x+1, self.char)
def erase(self):
......@@ -111,7 +114,11 @@ class LifeBoard:
if s == 3:
# Birth
d[i,j] = 1
if curses.has_colors():
#Let's pick a random color!
self.scr.addch(j+1, i+1, self.char)
if not live: self.boring = 0
elif s == 2 and live: d[i,j] = 1 # Survival
elif live:
......@@ -140,10 +147,15 @@ def erase_menu(stdscr, menu_y):
def display_menu(stdscr, menu_y):
"Display the menu of possible keystroke commands"
erase_menu(stdscr, menu_y)
# If colour, then light the menu up :-)
if curses.has_colors():
stdscr.addstr(menu_y, 4,
'Use the cursor keys to move, and space or Enter to toggle a cell.')
stdscr.addstr(menu_y+1, 4,
'E)rase the board, R)andom fill, S)tep once or C)ontinuously, Q)uit')
def keyloop(stdscr):
# Clear the screen and display the menu of keys
......@@ -152,6 +164,19 @@ def keyloop(stdscr):
menu_y = (stdscr_y-3)-1
display_menu(stdscr, menu_y)
# If colour, then initialize the color pairs
if curses.has_colors():
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLUE, 0)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_CYAN, 0)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, 0)
curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, 0)
curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_RED, 0)
curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, 0)
curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_WHITE, 0)
# Set up the mask to listen for mouse events
# Allocate a subwindow for the Life board and create the board object
subwin = stdscr.subwin(stdscr_y-3, stdscr_x, 0, 0)
board = LifeBoard(subwin, char=ord('*'))
......@@ -203,6 +228,15 @@ def keyloop(stdscr):
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN and ypos<board.Y-1: ypos += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT and xpos>0: xpos -= 1
elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT and xpos<board.X-1: xpos += 1
elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE:
(mouse_id, mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_z, button_state) = curses.getmouse()
if (mouse_x>0 and mouse_x<board.X+1) and (mouse_y>0 and mouse_y<board.Y+1):
xpos = mouse_x - 1
ypos = mouse_y - 1
board.toggle(ypos, xpos)
# They've clicked outside the board
# Ignore incorrect keys
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