Commit c24da7cb authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Added obfuxcated lambda's by Ulf Bertelt

parent be9f1495
......@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ Here's an overview of the questions per chapter:
ImportError: No module named ...; what gives?
4.11. Q. What GUI toolkits exist for Python?
4.12. Q. Are there any interfaces to commercial database in Python?
4.13. Q. Is it possible to write obfuscated one-liners in Python?
5. Extending Python
5.1. Q. Can I create my own functions in C?
......@@ -683,6 +684,35 @@ A. There's an interface to SYBASE by John Redford
There's also an interface to metalbase by Lance Ellinghouse
4.13. Q. Is it possible to write obfuscated one-liners in Python?
A. Yes. See the following three examples, due to Ulf Bartelt:
# Primes < 1000
print filter(None,map(lambda y:y*reduce(lambda x,y:x*y!=0,\
map(lambda x,y=y:y%x,range(2,int(pow(y,0.5)+1))),1),range(2,1000)))
# First 10 Fibonacci numbers
print map(lambda x,f=lambda x,f:(x<=1) or (f(x-1,f)+f(x-2,f)): f(x,f),\
# Mandelbrot set
print (lambda Ru,Ro,Iu,Io,IM,Sx,Sy:reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda y,\
Iu=Iu,Io=Io,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,Sy=Sy,L=lambda yc,Iu=Iu,Io=Io,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,i=IM,\
Sx=Sx,Sy=Sy:reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x,xc=Ru,yc=yc,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,\
i=i,Sx=Sx,F=lambda xc,yc,x,y,k,f=lambda xc,yc,x,y,k,f:(k<=0)or (x*x+y*y\
>=4.0) or 1+f(xc,yc,x*x-y*y+xc,2.0*x*y+yc,k-1,f):f(xc,yc,x,y,k,f):chr(\
))))(-2.1, 0.7, -1.2, 1.2, 30, 80, 24)
# \___ ___/ \___ ___/ | | |__ lines on screen
# V V | |______ columns on screen
# | | |__________ maximum of "iterations"
# | |_________________ range on y axis
# |____________________________ range on x axis
Don't try this at home, kids!
5. Extending Python
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