Commit c27b8b88 authored by Ronald Oussoren's avatar Ronald Oussoren

Fix for issue 1770190: platform.mac_ver() now returns the right

version on OSX 10.4.10
parent 5a9fed75
......@@ -722,7 +722,17 @@ def mac_ver(release='',versioninfo=('','',''),machine=''):
major = (sysv & 0xFF00) >> 8
minor = (sysv & 0x00F0) >> 4
patch = (sysv & 0x000F)
release = '%s.%i.%i' % (_bcd2str(major),minor,patch)
if (major, minor) >= (10, 4):
# the 'sysv' gestald cannot return patchlevels
# higher than 9. Apple introduced 3 new
# gestalt codes in 10.4 to deal with this
# issue (needed because patch levels can
# run higher than 9, such as 10.4.11)
major,minor,patch = _mac_ver_lookup(('sys1','sys2','sys3'))
release = '%i.%i.%i' %(major, minor, patch)
release = '%s.%i.%i' % (_bcd2str(major),minor,patch)
if sysu:
major = int((sysu & 0xFF000000L) >> 24)
minor = (sysu & 0x00F00000) >> 20
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