Commit c30475e7 authored by Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #24820: Users can now set breakpoint colors in Settings ->

Custom Highlighting.  Original patch by Mark Roseman.
parent 65918e01
......@@ -41,19 +41,20 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
#The first value of the tuple is the sample area tag name.
#The second value is the display name list sort index.
'Normal Text':('normal', '00'),
'Python Keywords':('keyword', '01'),
'Python Definitions':('definition', '02'),
'Python Builtins':('builtin', '03'),
'Python Comments':('comment', '04'),
'Python Strings':('string', '05'),
'Selected Text':('hilite', '06'),
'Found Text':('hit', '07'),
'Cursor':('cursor', '08'),
'Error Text':('error', '09'),
'Shell Normal Text':('console', '10'),
'Shell Stdout Text':('stdout', '11'),
'Shell Stderr Text':('stderr', '12'),
'Normal Text': ('normal', '00'),
'Python Keywords': ('keyword', '01'),
'Python Definitions': ('definition', '02'),
'Python Builtins': ('builtin', '03'),
'Python Comments': ('comment', '04'),
'Python Strings': ('string', '05'),
'Selected Text': ('hilite', '06'),
'Found Text': ('hit', '07'),
'Cursor': ('cursor', '08'),
'Editor Breakpoint': ('break', '09'),
'Shell Normal Text': ('console', '10'),
'Shell Error Text': ('error', '11'),
'Shell Stdout Text': ('stdout', '12'),
'Shell Stderr Text': ('stderr', '13'),
self.ResetChangedItems() #load initial values in changed items dict
......@@ -217,7 +218,8 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
("'selected'", 'hilite'), ('\n var2 = ', 'normal'),
("'found'", 'hit'), ('\n var3 = ', 'normal'),
('list', 'builtin'), ('(', 'normal'),
('None', 'builtin'), (')\n\n', 'normal'),
('None', 'builtin'), (')\n', 'normal'),
(' breakpoint("line")', 'break'), ('\n\n', 'normal'),
(' error ', 'error'), (' ', 'normal'),
('cursor |', 'cursor'), ('\n ', 'normal'),
('shell', 'console'), (' ', 'normal'),
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