Commit c440af54 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Updated information on package metadata to reflect recent additions.

This is a modified form of SF patch #718027 (mostly markup changes).
parent 40f19e3f
......@@ -687,38 +687,74 @@ string should be given as the directory.
The setup script may include additional meta-data beyond the name and
version. This information includes:
\lineiii{name}{the name of the package}{(1)}
\lineiii{version}{the version of this release}{(1)}
\lineiii{author}{package author's name}{(2)}
\lineiii{author_email}{email address of the package author}{(2)}
\lineiii{maintainer}{package maintainer's name}{(2)}
\lineiii{maintainer_email}{email address of the package maintainer}{(2)}
\lineiii{url}{URL of the package's home page}{(1)}
\lineiii{license}{the terms the package is released under}{}
\lineiii{description}{a short, summary description of the package}{}
\lineiii{long_description}{a longer description of the package}{}
\lineiii{keywords}{some keywords appropriate to the package}{}
\lineiii{platforms}{a list of the target platforms}{}
\lineiii{classifiers}{a list of Trove classifiers}{(3),(4)}
\lineiii{download_url}{a single URL containing the download location
for this version of the package}{(3)}
\lineiv{name}{name of the package}
{short string}{(1)}
\lineiv{version}{version of this release}
{short string}{(1)(2)}
\lineiv{author}{package author's name}
{short string}{(3)}
\lineiv{author_email}{email address of the package author}
{email address}{(3)}
\lineiv{maintainer}{package maintainer's name}
{short string}{(3)}
\lineiv{maintainer_email}{email address of the package maintainer}
{email address}{(3)}
\lineiv{url}{home page for the package}
\lineiv{description}{short, summary description of the package}
{short string}{}
\lineiv{long_description}{longer description of the package}
{long string}{}
\lineiv{download_url}{location where the package may be downloaded}
\lineiv{classifiers}{a list of Trove classifiers}
{list of strings}{(4)}
\noindent Notes:
\item[(1)] these fields are required
\item[(2)] either the author or the maintainer must be nominated
\item[(3)] should not be used if your package is to be compatible with
Python versions prior to 2.2.3 or 2.3.
\item[(4)] The list of classifiers is available from the
PyPI website (\url{}).
\option{classifiers} are specified as a list of strings:
\item[(1)] These fields are required.
\item[(2)] It is recommended that versions take the form
\item[(3)] Either the author or the maintainer must be identified.
\item[(4)] These fields should not be used if your package is to be
compatible with Python versions prior to 2.2.3 or 2.3. The list is
available from the \ulink{PyPI website}{}.
\item["short string"] A single line of text, not more than 200 characters.
\item["long string"] Multiple lines of plain text in ReStructuredText
format (see \url{}).
\item["list of strings"] See below.
None of the string values may be Unicode.
Encoding the version information is an art in itself. Python packages
generally adhere to the version format
\emph{major.minor\optional{.patch}\optional{sub}}. The major number is
0 for
initial, experimental releases of software. It is incremented for
releases that represent major milestones in a package. The minor
number is incremented when important new features are added to the
package. The patch number increments when bug-fix releases are
made. Additional trailing version information is sometimes used to
indicate sub-releases. These are "a1,a2,...,aN" (for alpha releases,
where functionality and API may change), "b1,b2,...,bN" (for beta
releases, which only fix bugs) and "pr1,pr2,...,prN" (for final
pre-release release testing). Some examples:
\item[0.1.0] the first, experimental release of a package
\item[1.0.1a2] the second alpha release of the first patch version of 1.0
\option{classifiers} are specified in a python list:
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Environment :: Console',
'Environment :: Web Environment',
......@@ -734,18 +770,17 @@ setup(...
'Topic :: Office/Business',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking',
If you wish to include classifiers or a download URL in your
\file{} file and also wish to remain backwards-compatible with
Python releases prior to 2.2.3, then you can include the following
code fragment in your \file{} before the \code{setup()} call:
If you wish to include classifiers in your \file{} file and also
wish to remain backwards-compatible with Python releases prior to 2.2.3,
then you can include the following code fragment in your \file{}
before the \code{setup()} call.
# patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" keyword
# patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" or
# "download_url" keywords
if sys.version < '2.2.3':
from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata
DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None
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