Commit c4ae73e5 authored by Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar Andrew M. Kuchling

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parent b3437c9f
......@@ -545,6 +545,16 @@ Some smaller changes made to the core Python language are:
so it will now produce 'INF' and 'NAN'.
(Contributed by Eric Smith; :issue:`3382`.)
A low-level change: the :meth:`object.__format__` method now triggers
a :exc:`PendingDeprecationWarning` if it's passed a format string,
because the :meth:`__format__` method for :class:`object` converts
the object to a string representation and formats that. The method
used to silently apply the format string to the string
representation, but that could hide mistakes in Python code. If
you're supplying formatting information such as an alignment or
precision, presumably you're expecting the formatting to be applied
in some object-specific way. (Fixed by Eric Smith; :issue:`7994`.)
* The :func:`int` and :func:`long` types gained a ``bit_length``
method that returns the number of bits necessary to represent
its argument in binary::
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