Commit c4f3988e authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Finder suite.

parent 8af4f529
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
"""Suite Enumerations: Enumerations for the Finder
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'tpnm'
from StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite import *
class Enumerations_Events(Type_Names_Suite_Events):
_Enum_ipnl = {
'General_Information_panel' : 'gpnl', #
'Sharing_panel' : 'spnl', #
'Memory_panel' : 'mpnl', #
'Status_and_Configuration_panel' : 'scnl', #
'Fonts_panel' : 'fpnl', #
_Enum_pple = {
'General_Preferences_panel' : 'pgnp', #
'Label_Preferences_panel' : 'plbp', #
'Icon_View_Preferences_panel' : 'pivp', #
'Button_View_Preferences_panel' : 'pbvp', #
'List_View_Preferences_panel' : 'plvp', #
_Enum_earr = {
'not_arranged' : 'narr', #
'snap_to_grid' : 'grda', #
'arranged_by_name' : 'nama', #
'arranged_by_modification_date' : 'mdta', #
'arranged_by_creation_date' : 'cdta', #
'arranged_by_size' : 'siza', #
'arranged_by_kind' : 'kina', #
'arranged_by_label' : 'laba', #
_Enum_sodr = {
'normal' : 'snrm', #
'reversed' : 'srvs', #
_Enum_isiz = {
'mini' : 'miic', #
'small' : 'smic', #
'large' : 'lgic', #
_Enum_vwby = {
'conflicts' : 'cflc', #
'existing_items' : 'exsi', #
'small_icon' : 'smic', #
'icon' : 'iimg', #
'name' : 'pnam', #
'modification_date' : 'asmo', #
'size' : 'ptsz', #
'kind' : 'kind', #
'comment' : 'comt', #
'label' : 'labi', #
'version' : 'vers', #
'creation_date' : 'ascd', #
'small_button' : 'smbu', #
'large_button' : 'lgbu', #
'grid' : 'grid', #
'all' : 'kyal', #
_Enum_gsen = {
'CPU' : 'proc', #
'FPU' : 'fpu ', #
'MMU' : 'mmu ', #
'hardware' : 'hdwr', #
'operating_system' : 'os ', #
'sound_system' : 'snd ', #
'memory_available' : 'lram', #
'memory_installed' : 'ram ', #
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
_propdeclarations = {
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
'gsen' : _Enum_gsen,
'earr' : _Enum_earr,
'isiz' : _Enum_isiz,
'vwby' : _Enum_vwby,
'pple' : _Enum_pple,
'ipnl' : _Enum_ipnl,
'sodr' : _Enum_sodr,
"""Suite Files and suitcases: Classes representing files and suitcases
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'fndr'
class Files_and_suitcases_Events:
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file """
want = 'file'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the item class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'cobj'
class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the item """
which = 'asty'
want = 'type'
class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""creator type - the OSType identifying the application that created the item """
which = 'fcrt'
want = 'type'
class locked(aetools.NProperty):
"""locked - Is the file locked? """
which = 'aslk'
want = 'bool'
class stationery(aetools.NProperty):
"""stationery - Is the file a stationery pad? """
which = 'pspd'
want = 'bool'
class product_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""product version - the version of the product (visible at the top of the Get Info window) """
which = 'ver2'
want = 'itxt'
class version(aetools.NProperty):
"""version - the version of the file (visible at the bottom of the Get Info window) """
which = 'vers'
want = 'itxt'
files = file
class alias_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias file - An alias file (created with Make Alias) """
want = 'alia'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
class original_item(aetools.NProperty):
"""original item - the original item pointed to by the alias """
which = 'orig'
want = 'obj '
alias_files = alias_file
class application_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application file - An application's file on disk """
want = 'appf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
class suggested_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""suggested size - the memory size with which the developer recommends the application be launched """
which = 'sprt'
want = 'long'
class minimum_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""minimum size - the smallest memory size with which the application can be launched """
which = 'mprt'
want = 'long'
class preferred_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""preferred size - the memory size with which the application will be launched """
which = 'appt'
want = 'long'
class accepts_high_level_events(aetools.NProperty):
"""accepts high level events - Is the application high-level event aware? """
which = 'isab'
want = 'bool'
class has_scripting_terminology(aetools.NProperty):
"""has scripting terminology - Does the process have a scripting terminology, i.e., can it be scripted? """
which = 'hscr'
want = 'bool'
application_files = application_file
class document_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""document file - A document file """
want = 'docf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
document_files = document_file
class font_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""font file - A font file """
want = 'fntf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
font_files = font_file
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory file - A desk accessory file """
want = 'dafi'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
desk_accessory_files = desk_accessory_file
class internet_location_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""internet location file - An file containing an internet location """
want = 'inlf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
class location(aetools.NProperty):
"""location - the internet location """
which = 'iloc'
want = 'itxt'
internet_location_files = internet_location_file
class sound_file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sound file - A sound file """
want = 'sndf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
class sound(aetools.NProperty):
"""sound - the sound data """
which = 'snd '
want = 'snd '
sound_files = sound_file
class clipping(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""clipping - A clipping """
want = 'clpf'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
clippings = clipping
class package(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""package - A package """
want = 'pack'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the item class
packages = package
class suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""suitcase - A font or desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'stcs'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the file class
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
suitcases = suitcase
class font_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""font suitcase - A font suitcase """
want = 'fsut'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the suitcase class
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
font_suitcases = font_suitcase
class desk_accessory_suitcase(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory suitcase - A desk accessory suitcase """
want = 'dsut'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the suitcase class
# element 'cobj' as ['indx', 'name']
desk_accessory_suitcases = desk_accessory_suitcase
file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'file_type' : file_type,
'creator_type' : creator_type,
'locked' : locked,
'stationery' : stationery,
'product_version' : product_version,
'version' : version,
file._elemdict = {
alias_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'original_item' : original_item,
alias_file._elemdict = {
application_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'suggested_size' : suggested_size,
'minimum_size' : minimum_size,
'preferred_size' : preferred_size,
'accepts_high_level_events' : accepts_high_level_events,
'has_scripting_terminology' : has_scripting_terminology,
application_file._elemdict = {
document_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
document_file._elemdict = {
font_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
font_file._elemdict = {
desk_accessory_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_file._elemdict = {
internet_location_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'location' : location,
internet_location_file._elemdict = {
sound_file._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'sound' : sound,
sound_file._elemdict = {
clipping._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
clipping._elemdict = {
package._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
package._elemdict = {
import Earlier_terms
suitcase._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
suitcase._elemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
font_suitcase._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
font_suitcase._elemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
desk_accessory_suitcase._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
desk_accessory_suitcase._elemdict = {
'item' : Earlier_terms.item,
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'clpf' : clipping,
'docf' : document_file,
'stcs' : suitcase,
'appf' : application_file,
'file' : file,
'fsut' : font_suitcase,
'pack' : package,
'dafi' : desk_accessory_file,
'alia' : alias_file,
'dsut' : desk_accessory_suitcase,
'inlf' : internet_location_file,
'fntf' : font_file,
'sndf' : sound_file,
_propdeclarations = {
'orig' : original_item,
'pspd' : stationery,
'aslk' : locked,
'iloc' : location,
'mprt' : minimum_size,
'fcrt' : creator_type,
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'asty' : file_type,
'hscr' : has_scripting_terminology,
'sprt' : suggested_size,
'appt' : preferred_size,
'isab' : accepts_high_level_events,
'snd ' : sound,
'ver2' : product_version,
'vers' : version,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
This diff is collapsed.
"""Suite Finder items: Commands used with file system items, and basic item definition
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'fndr'
class Finder_items_Events:
def add_to_favorites(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""add to favorites: Add the items to the Favorites menu in the Apple Menu and in Open and Save dialogs
Required argument: the items to add to the collection of Favorites
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'ffav'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
_argmap_clean_up = {
'by' : 'by ',
def clean_up(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""clean up: Arrange items in window nicely (only applies to open windows in icon or button views that are not kept arranged)
Required argument: the window to clean up
Keyword argument by: the order in which to clean up the objects (name, index, date, etc.)
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'fclu'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_clean_up)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def eject(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""eject: Eject the specified disk(s), or every ejectable disk if no parameter is specified
Required argument: the items to eject
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'ejct'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def empty(self, _object=None, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""empty: Empty the trash
Required argument: ³empty² and ³empty trash² both do the same thing
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'empt'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def erase(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""erase: Erase the specified disk(s)
Required argument: the items to erase
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'fera'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def put_away(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""put away: Put away the specified object(s)
Required argument: the items to put away
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
Returns: the object put away in its put-away location
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'ptwy'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def reveal(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""reveal: Bring the specified object(s) into view
Required argument: the object to be made visible
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'misc'
_subcode = 'mvis'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def update(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""update: Update the display of the specified object(s) to match their on-disk representation
Required argument: the item to update
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'fndr'
_subcode = 'fupd'
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item """
want = 'cobj'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name of the item """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class id(aetools.NProperty):
"""id - an id that identifies the item """
which = 'ID '
want = 'long'
class container(aetools.NProperty):
"""container - the container of the item """
which = 'ctnr'
want = 'obj '
class disk(aetools.NProperty):
"""disk - the disk on which the item is stored """
which = 'cdis'
want = 'obj '
class folder(aetools.NProperty):
"""folder - the folder in which the item is stored """
which = 'asdr'
want = 'obj '
class position(aetools.NProperty):
"""position - the position of the item within its parent window (can only be set for an item in a window viewed as icons or buttons) """
which = 'posn'
want = 'QDpt'
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
"""bounds - the bounding rectangle of the item (can only be set for an item in a window viewed as icons or buttons) """
which = 'pbnd'
want = 'qdrt'
class label_index(aetools.NProperty):
"""label index - the label of the item """
which = 'labi'
want = 'long'
class kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""kind - the kind of the item """
which = 'kind'
want = 'itxt'
class description(aetools.NProperty):
"""description - a description of the item """
which = 'dscr'
want = 'itxt'
class comment(aetools.NProperty):
"""comment - the comment of the item, displayed in the ³Get Info² window """
which = 'comt'
want = 'itxt'
class size(aetools.NProperty):
"""size - the logical size of the item """
which = 'ptsz'
want = 'long'
class physical_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""physical size - the actual space used by the item on disk """
which = 'phys'
want = 'long'
class creation_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""creation date - the date on which the item was created """
which = 'ascd'
want = 'ldt '
class modification_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""modification date - the date on which the item was last modified """
which = 'asmo'
want = 'ldt '
class icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""icon - the icon bitmap of the item """
which = 'iimg'
want = 'ifam'
class selected(aetools.NProperty):
"""selected - Is the item selected? """
which = 'issl'
want = 'bool'
class content_space(aetools.NProperty):
"""content space - the window that would open if the item was opened """
which = 'dwnd'
want = 'obj '
class window(aetools.NProperty):
"""window - the window that would open if the item was opened """
which = 'cwin'
want = 'obj '
class information_window(aetools.NProperty):
"""information window - the information window for the item """
which = 'iwnd'
want = 'obj '
items = item
item._propdict = {
'name' : name,
'index' : index,
'id' : id,
'container' : container,
'disk' : disk,
'folder' : folder,
'position' : position,
'bounds' : bounds,
'label_index' : label_index,
'kind' : kind,
'description' : description,
'comment' : comment,
'size' : size,
'physical_size' : physical_size,
'creation_date' : creation_date,
'modification_date' : modification_date,
'icon' : icon,
'selected' : selected,
'content_space' : content_space,
'window' : window,
'information_window' : information_window,
item._elemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'cobj' : item,
_propdeclarations = {
'iwnd' : information_window,
'cdis' : disk,
'asmo' : modification_date,
'ascd' : creation_date,
'pnam' : name,
'labi' : label_index,
'ID ' : id,
'iimg' : icon,
'pidx' : index,
'dwnd' : content_space,
'cwin' : window,
'comt' : comment,
'dscr' : description,
'asdr' : folder,
'issl' : selected,
'pbnd' : bounds,
'ctnr' : container,
'phys' : physical_size,
'ptsz' : size,
'kind' : kind,
'posn' : position,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
"""Suite Obsolete terms: Terms that have been deprecated
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'tpnm'
from StdSuites.Type_Names_Suite import *
class Obsolete_terms_Events(Type_Names_Suite_Events):
class application(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application - The Finder """
want = 'capp'
class view_preferences(aetools.NProperty):
"""view preferences - backwards compatibility with Finder Scripting Extension. DEPRECATED -- not supported after Finder 8.0 """
which = 'pvwp'
want = 'obj '
class container(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""container - An item that contains other items """
want = 'ctnr'
class container_window(aetools.NProperty):
"""container window - the main window for the container """
which = 'cwnd'
want = 'obj '
class container_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""container window - A window that contains items """
want = 'cwnd'
class folder_obsolete(aetools.NProperty):
"""folder obsolete - the folder from which the window was opened (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release.) """
which = 'cfol'
want = 'obj '
class control_panel(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""control panel - A control panel """
want = 'ccdv'
control_panels = control_panel
class file(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file - A file """
want = 'file'
class file_type_obsolete(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type obsolete - the OSType identifying the type of data contained in the item (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release) """
which = 'fitp'
want = 'type'
class locked_obsolete(aetools.NProperty):
"""locked obsolete - Is the file locked? (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release) """
which = 'islk'
want = 'bool'
class information_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""information window - An information window (opened by ³Get Info²) """
want = 'iwnd'
class creation_date_obsolete(aetools.NProperty):
"""creation date obsolete - the date on which the item was created (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release) """
which = 'crtd'
want = 'ldt '
# repeated property locked_obsolete Is the item locked (applies only to file and application information windows)? (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
class modification_date_obsolete(aetools.NProperty):
"""modification date obsolete - the date on which the item was last modified (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release) """
which = 'modd'
want = 'ldt '
class item(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""item - An item """
want = 'cobj'
# repeated property creation_date_obsolete the date on which the item was created (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
# repeated property folder_obsolete the folder in which the item is stored (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
# repeated property modification_date_obsolete the date on which the item was last modified (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""process - A process running on this computer """
want = 'prcs'
# repeated property file_type_obsolete the OSType of the file type of the process (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
class sharable_container(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sharable container - A container that may be shared (disks and folders) """
want = 'sctr'
class sharing_window(aetools.NProperty):
"""sharing window - the sharing window for the container (file sharing must be on to use this property) """
which = 'swnd'
want = 'obj '
class sharing_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""sharing window - A sharing window (opened by ³SharingŠ²) """
want = 'swnd'
class sharable_container(aetools.NProperty):
"""sharable container - the sharable container from which the window was opened """
which = 'sctr'
want = 'obj '
class item(aetools.NProperty):
"""item - the item from which this window was opened """
which = 'cobj'
want = 'obj '
class container(aetools.NProperty):
"""container - the container from which this window was opened """
which = 'ctnr'
want = 'obj '
# repeated property folder_obsolete the folder from which this window was opened (DEPRECATED - for use with scripts compiled before Finder 8.0. Will be removed in the next release)
sharing_windows = sharing_window
class status_window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""status window - Progress dialogs (e.g., copy window, rebuild desktop database, empty trash) """
want = 'qwnd'
status_windows = status_window
application._propdict = {
'view_preferences' : view_preferences,
application._elemdict = {
container._propdict = {
'container_window' : container_window,
container._elemdict = {
container_window._propdict = {
'folder_obsolete' : folder_obsolete,
container_window._elemdict = {
control_panel._propdict = {
control_panel._elemdict = {
file._propdict = {
'file_type_obsolete' : file_type_obsolete,
'locked_obsolete' : locked_obsolete,
file._elemdict = {
information_window._propdict = {
'creation_date_obsolete' : creation_date_obsolete,
'locked_obsolete' : locked_obsolete,
'modification_date_obsolete' : modification_date_obsolete,
information_window._elemdict = {
item._propdict = {
'creation_date_obsolete' : creation_date_obsolete,
'folder_obsolete' : folder_obsolete,
'modification_date_obsolete' : modification_date_obsolete,
item._elemdict = {
process._propdict = {
'file_type_obsolete' : file_type_obsolete,
process._elemdict = {
sharable_container._propdict = {
'sharing_window' : sharing_window,
sharable_container._elemdict = {
sharing_window._propdict = {
'sharable_container' : sharable_container,
'item' : item,
'container' : container,
'folder_obsolete' : folder_obsolete,
sharing_window._elemdict = {
status_window._propdict = {
status_window._elemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'ccdv' : control_panel,
'iwnd' : information_window,
'ctnr' : container,
'capp' : application,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'cwnd' : container_window,
'prcs' : process,
'file' : file,
'cobj' : item,
'qwnd' : status_window,
'swnd' : sharing_window,
_propdeclarations = {
'crtd' : creation_date_obsolete,
'cfol' : folder_obsolete,
'ctnr' : container,
'cwnd' : container_window,
'pvwp' : view_preferences,
'swnd' : sharing_window,
'sctr' : sharable_container,
'cobj' : item,
'modd' : modification_date_obsolete,
'islk' : locked_obsolete,
'fitp' : file_type_obsolete,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
"""Suite Process classes: Classes representing processes that are running
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'fndr'
class Process_classes_Events:
class process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""process - A process running on this computer """
want = 'prcs'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name of the process """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class visible(aetools.NProperty):
"""visible - Is the process' layer visible? """
which = 'pvis'
want = 'bool'
class frontmost(aetools.NProperty):
"""frontmost - Is the process the frontmost process? """
which = 'pisf'
want = 'bool'
class file(aetools.NProperty):
"""file - the file from which the process was launched """
which = 'file'
want = 'obj '
class file_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""file type - the OSType of the file type of the process """
which = 'asty'
want = 'type'
class creator_type(aetools.NProperty):
"""creator type - the OSType of the creator of the process (the signature) """
which = 'fcrt'
want = 'type'
class accepts_high_level_events(aetools.NProperty):
"""accepts high level events - Is the process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)? """
which = 'isab'
want = 'bool'
class accepts_remote_events(aetools.NProperty):
"""accepts remote events - Does the process accept remote events? """
which = 'revt'
want = 'bool'
class has_scripting_terminology(aetools.NProperty):
"""has scripting terminology - Does the process have a scripting terminology, i.e., can it be scripted? """
which = 'hscr'
want = 'bool'
class total_partition_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""total partition size - the size of the partition with which the process was launched """
which = 'appt'
want = 'long'
class partition_space_used(aetools.NProperty):
"""partition space used - the number of bytes currently used in the process' partition """
which = 'pusd'
want = 'long'
processes = process
class application_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""application process - A process launched from an application file """
want = 'pcap'
class _3c_Inheritance_3e_(aetools.NProperty):
"""<Inheritance> - inherits some of its properties from the process class """
which = 'c@#^'
want = 'prcs'
class application_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""application file - the application file from which this process was launched """
which = 'appf'
want = 'appf'
application_processes = application_process
class desk_accessory_process(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""desk accessory process - A process launched from a desk accessory file """
want = 'pcda'
# repeated property _3c_Inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from the process class
class desk_accessory_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""desk accessory file - the desk accessory file from which this process was launched """
which = 'dafi'
want = 'obj '
desk_accessory_processes = desk_accessory_process
process._propdict = {
'name' : name,
'visible' : visible,
'frontmost' : frontmost,
'file' : file,
'file_type' : file_type,
'creator_type' : creator_type,
'accepts_high_level_events' : accepts_high_level_events,
'accepts_remote_events' : accepts_remote_events,
'has_scripting_terminology' : has_scripting_terminology,
'total_partition_size' : total_partition_size,
'partition_space_used' : partition_space_used,
process._elemdict = {
application_process._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'application_file' : application_file,
application_process._elemdict = {
desk_accessory_process._propdict = {
'_3c_Inheritance_3e_' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'desk_accessory_file' : desk_accessory_file,
desk_accessory_process._elemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'pcda' : desk_accessory_process,
'pcap' : application_process,
'prcs' : process,
_propdeclarations = {
'revt' : accepts_remote_events,
'appf' : application_file,
'pnam' : name,
'file' : file,
'pusd' : partition_space_used,
'fcrt' : creator_type,
'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
'asty' : file_type,
'hscr' : has_scripting_terminology,
'dafi' : desk_accessory_file,
'isab' : accepts_high_level_events,
'appt' : total_partition_size,
'pisf' : frontmost,
'pvis' : visible,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
This diff is collapsed.
"""Suite Type Definitions: Definitions of records used in scripting the Finder
Level 1, version 1
Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
AETE/AEUT resource version 0/144, language 0, script 0
import aetools
import MacOS
_code = 'tpdf'
class Type_Definitions_Events:
class preferences(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""preferences - The Finder Preferences """
want = 'cprf'
class window(aetools.NProperty):
"""window - the window that would open if Finder preferences was opened """
which = 'cwin'
want = 'pwnd'
class button_view_arrangement(aetools.NProperty):
"""button view arrangement - the method of arrangement of icons in default Finder button view windows """
which = 'barr'
want = 'earr'
class button_view_icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""button view icon size - the size of icons displayed in Finder button view windows. """
which = 'bisz'
want = 'long'
class spatial_view_arrangement(aetools.NProperty):
"""spatial view arrangement - the method of arrangement of icons in default Finder spatial view windows """
which = 'iarr'
want = 'earr'
class spatial_view_icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""spatial view icon size - the size of icons displayed in Finder spatial view windows. """
which = 'iisz'
want = 'long'
class calculates_folder_sizes(aetools.NProperty):
"""calculates folder sizes - Are folder sizes calculated and displayed in Finder list view windows? """
which = 'sfsz'
want = 'bool'
class list_view_icon_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""list view icon size - the size of icons displayed in Finder list view windows. """
which = 'lisz'
want = 'long'
class shows_comments(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows comments - Are comments displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'scom'
want = 'bool'
class shows_creation_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows creation date - Are creation dates displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'scda'
want = 'bool'
class shows_kind(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows kind - Are document kinds displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'sknd'
want = 'bool'
class shows_label(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows label - Are labels displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'slbl'
want = 'bool'
class shows_modification_date(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows modification date - Are modification dates displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'sdat'
want = 'bool'
class shows_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows size - Are file sizes displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'ssiz'
want = 'bool'
class shows_version(aetools.NProperty):
"""shows version - Are file versions displayed in default Finder list view windows? """
which = 'svrs'
want = 'bool'
class uses_relative_dates(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses relative dates - Are relative dates (e.g., today, yesterday) shown in Finder list view windows? """
which = 'urdt'
want = 'bool'
class uses_simple_menus(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses simple menus - Use simplified Finder menus? """
which = 'usme'
want = 'bool'
class uses_wide_grid(aetools.NProperty):
"""uses wide grid - Space icons on a wide grid? """
which = 'uswg'
want = 'bool'
class spring_open_folders(aetools.NProperty):
"""spring open folders - Spring open folders after the specified delay? """
which = 'sprg'
want = 'bool'
class delay_before_springing(aetools.NProperty):
"""delay before springing - the delay before springing open a container in ticks (1/60th of a second) (12 is shortest delay, 60 is longest delay) """
which = 'dela'
want = 'shor'
class view_font(aetools.NProperty):
"""view font - the id of the font used in Finder views. """
which = 'vfnt'
want = 'long'
class view_font_size(aetools.NProperty):
"""view font size - the size of the font used in Finder views """
which = 'vfsz'
want = 'long'
# element 'clbl' as ['indx', 'name']
class label(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""label - A Finder label (name and color) """
want = 'clbl'
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name associated with the label """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
class index(aetools.NProperty):
"""index - the index in the front-to-back ordering within its container """
which = 'pidx'
want = 'long'
class color(aetools.NProperty):
"""color - the color associated with the label """
which = 'colr'
want = 'cRGB'
class icon_family(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""icon family - A family of icons """
want = 'ifam'
class large_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large monochrome icon and mask - the large black-and-white icon and the mask for large icons """
which = 'ICN#'
want = 'ICN#'
class large_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit mask - the large 8-bit mask for large 32-bit icons """
which = 'l8mk'
want = 'l8mk'
class large_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 32 bit icon - the large 32-bit color icon """
which = 'il32'
want = 'il32'
class large_8_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 8 bit icon - the large 8-bit color icon """
which = 'icl8'
want = 'icl8'
class large_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""large 4 bit icon - the large 4-bit color icon """
which = 'icl4'
want = 'icl4'
class small_monochrome_icon_and_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small monochrome icon and mask - the small black-and-white icon and the mask for small icons """
which = 'ics#'
want = 'ics#'
class small_8_bit_mask(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 8 bit mask - the small 8-bit mask for small 32-bit icons """
which = 'ics8'
want = 's8mk'
class small_32_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 32 bit icon - the small 32-bit color icon """
which = 'is32'
want = 'is32'
# repeated property small_8_bit_icon the small 8-bit color icon
class small_4_bit_icon(aetools.NProperty):
"""small 4 bit icon - the small 4-bit color icon """
which = 'ics4'
want = 'ics4'
class alias_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""alias list - A list of aliases. Use as alias list when a list of aliases is needed (instead of a list of file system item references). """
want = 'alst'
preferences._propdict = {
'window' : window,
'button_view_arrangement' : button_view_arrangement,
'button_view_icon_size' : button_view_icon_size,
'spatial_view_arrangement' : spatial_view_arrangement,
'spatial_view_icon_size' : spatial_view_icon_size,
'calculates_folder_sizes' : calculates_folder_sizes,
'list_view_icon_size' : list_view_icon_size,
'shows_comments' : shows_comments,
'shows_creation_date' : shows_creation_date,
'shows_kind' : shows_kind,
'shows_label' : shows_label,
'shows_modification_date' : shows_modification_date,
'shows_size' : shows_size,
'shows_version' : shows_version,
'uses_relative_dates' : uses_relative_dates,
'uses_simple_menus' : uses_simple_menus,
'uses_wide_grid' : uses_wide_grid,
'spring_open_folders' : spring_open_folders,
'delay_before_springing' : delay_before_springing,
'view_font' : view_font,
'view_font_size' : view_font_size,
preferences._elemdict = {
'label' : label,
label._propdict = {
'name' : name,
'index' : index,
'color' : color,
label._elemdict = {
icon_family._propdict = {
'large_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'large_8_bit_mask' : large_8_bit_mask,
'large_32_bit_icon' : large_32_bit_icon,
'large_8_bit_icon' : large_8_bit_icon,
'large_4_bit_icon' : large_4_bit_icon,
'small_monochrome_icon_and_mask' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'small_8_bit_mask' : small_8_bit_mask,
'small_32_bit_icon' : small_32_bit_icon,
'small_8_bit_icon' : small_8_bit_icon,
'small_4_bit_icon' : small_4_bit_icon,
icon_family._elemdict = {
alias_list._propdict = {
alias_list._elemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
'clbl' : label,
'ifam' : icon_family,
'alst' : alias_list,
'cprf' : preferences,
_propdeclarations = {
'ics#' : small_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'scda' : shows_creation_date,
'uswg' : uses_wide_grid,
'sprg' : spring_open_folders,
'is32' : small_32_bit_icon,
'ICN#' : large_monochrome_icon_and_mask,
'cwin' : window,
'sdat' : shows_modification_date,
'iisz' : spatial_view_icon_size,
'barr' : button_view_arrangement,
'il32' : large_32_bit_icon,
'l8mk' : large_8_bit_mask,
'scom' : shows_comments,
'bisz' : button_view_icon_size,
'lisz' : list_view_icon_size,
'slbl' : shows_label,
'icl4' : large_4_bit_icon,
'usme' : uses_simple_menus,
'urdt' : uses_relative_dates,
'vfnt' : view_font,
'sfsz' : calculates_folder_sizes,
'pidx' : index,
'icl8' : large_8_bit_icon,
'ssiz' : shows_size,
'ics8' : small_8_bit_mask,
'colr' : color,
'svrs' : shows_version,
'pnam' : name,
'sknd' : shows_kind,
'vfsz' : view_font_size,
'iarr' : spatial_view_arrangement,
'ics4' : small_4_bit_icon,
'dela' : delay_before_springing,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
This diff is collapsed.
Package generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Finder
Resource aete resid 0
import aetools
import Standard_Suite
import Earlier_terms
import Finder_Basics
import Finder_items
import Containers_and_folders
import Files_and_suitcases
import Window_classes
import Process_classes
import Type_Definitions
import Enumerations
import Obsolete_terms
_code_to_module = {
'CoRe' : Standard_Suite,
'tpnm' : Earlier_terms,
'fndr' : Finder_Basics,
'fndr' : Finder_items,
'fndr' : Containers_and_folders,
'fndr' : Files_and_suitcases,
'fndr' : Window_classes,
'fndr' : Process_classes,
'tpdf' : Type_Definitions,
'tpnm' : Enumerations,
'tpnm' : Obsolete_terms,
_code_to_fullname = {
'CoRe' : ('Finder.Standard_Suite', 'Standard_Suite'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Earlier_terms', 'Earlier_terms'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_Basics', 'Finder_Basics'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Finder_items', 'Finder_items'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Containers_and_folders', 'Containers_and_folders'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Files_and_suitcases', 'Files_and_suitcases'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Window_classes', 'Window_classes'),
'fndr' : ('Finder.Process_classes', 'Process_classes'),
'tpdf' : ('Finder.Type_Definitions', 'Type_Definitions'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Enumerations', 'Enumerations'),
'tpnm' : ('Finder.Obsolete_terms', 'Obsolete_terms'),
from Standard_Suite import *
from Earlier_terms import *
from Finder_Basics import *
from Finder_items import *
from Containers_and_folders import *
from Files_and_suitcases import *
from Window_classes import *
from Process_classes import *
from Type_Definitions import *
from Enumerations import *
from Obsolete_terms import *
class Finder(Standard_Suite_Events,
_signature = 'MACS'
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