Commit c6709978 authored by Tarek Ziadé's avatar Tarek Ziadé

added some tests for distutils.extension + code cleanup

parent c1edec33
......@@ -141,9 +141,11 @@ class Extension:
# class Extension
def read_setup_file (filename):
from distutils.sysconfig import \
parse_makefile, expand_makefile_vars, _variable_rx
def read_setup_file(filename):
"""Reads a Setup file and returns Extension instances."""
from distutils.sysconfig import (parse_makefile, expand_makefile_vars,
from distutils.text_file import TextFile
from distutils.util import split_quoted
......@@ -168,10 +170,8 @@ def read_setup_file (filename):
file.warn("'%s' lines not handled yet" % line)
#print "original line: " + line
line = expand_makefile_vars(line, vars)
words = split_quoted(line)
#print "expanded line: " + line
# NB. this parses a slightly different syntax than the old
# makesetup script: here, there must be exactly one extension per
......@@ -237,15 +237,4 @@ def read_setup_file (filename):
#print "module:", module
#print "source files:", source_files
#print "cpp args:", cpp_args
#print "lib args:", library_args
#extensions[module] = { 'sources': source_files,
# 'cpp_args': cpp_args,
# 'lib_args': library_args }
return extensions
# read_setup_file ()
# Setup file from the pygame project
SDL = -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -lSDL
FONT = -lSDL_ttf
IMAGE = -lSDL_image
MIXER = -lSDL_mixer
SMPEG = -lsmpeg
PNG = -lpng
JPEG = -ljpeg
SCRAP = -lX11
PORTMIDI = -lportmidi
PORTTIME = -lporttime
#DEBUG = -C-W -C-Wall
#the following modules are optional. you will want to compile
#everything you can, but you can ignore ones you don't have
#dependencies for, just comment them out
imageext src/imageext.c $(SDL) $(IMAGE) $(PNG) $(JPEG) $(DEBUG)
font src/font.c $(SDL) $(FONT) $(DEBUG)
mixer src/mixer.c $(SDL) $(MIXER) $(DEBUG)
mixer_music src/music.c $(SDL) $(MIXER) $(DEBUG)
_numericsurfarray src/_numericsurfarray.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
_numericsndarray src/_numericsndarray.c $(SDL) $(MIXER) $(DEBUG)
movie src/movie.c $(SDL) $(SMPEG) $(DEBUG)
scrap src/scrap.c $(SDL) $(SCRAP) $(DEBUG)
_camera src/_camera.c src/camera_v4l2.c src/camera_v4l.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
pypm src/pypm.c $(SDL) $(PORTMIDI) $(PORTTIME) $(DEBUG)
GFX = src/SDL_gfx/SDL_gfxPrimitives.c
#GFX = src/SDL_gfx/SDL_gfxBlitFunc.c src/SDL_gfx/SDL_gfxPrimitives.c
gfxdraw src/gfxdraw.c $(SDL) $(GFX) $(DEBUG)
#these modules are required for pygame to run. they only require
#SDL as a dependency. these should not be altered
base src/base.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
cdrom src/cdrom.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
color src/color.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
constants src/constants.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
display src/display.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
event src/event.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
fastevent src/fastevent.c src/fastevents.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
key src/key.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
mouse src/mouse.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
rect src/rect.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
rwobject src/rwobject.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
surface src/surface.c src/alphablit.c src/surface_fill.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
surflock src/surflock.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
time src/time.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
joystick src/joystick.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
draw src/draw.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
image src/image.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
overlay src/overlay.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
transform src/transform.c src/rotozoom.c src/scale2x.c src/scale_mmx.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
mask src/mask.c src/bitmask.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
bufferproxy src/bufferproxy.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
pixelarray src/pixelarray.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
_arraysurfarray src/_arraysurfarray.c $(SDL) $(DEBUG)
"""Tests for distutils.extension."""
import unittest
import os
from distutils.extension import read_setup_file
class ExtensionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_read_setup_file(self):
# trying to read a Setup file
# (sample extracted from the PyGame project)
setup = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Setup.sample')
exts = read_setup_file(setup)
names = [ for ext in exts]
# here are the extensions read_setup_file should have created
# out of the file
wanted = ['_arraysurfarray', '_camera', '_numericsndarray',
'_numericsurfarray', 'base', 'bufferproxy', 'cdrom',
'color', 'constants', 'display', 'draw', 'event',
'fastevent', 'font', 'gfxdraw', 'image', 'imageext',
'joystick', 'key', 'mask', 'mixer', 'mixer_music',
'mouse', 'movie', 'overlay', 'pixelarray', 'pypm',
'rect', 'rwobject', 'scrap', 'surface', 'surflock',
'time', 'transform']
self.assertEquals(names, wanted)
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(ExtensionTestCase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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