Commit c6f8c0a1 authored by Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware

Issue #21907: Avoid using double quotes to check argument values.

Double quotes in expanded variables can match literal double quotes,
which makes for a big mess when passing in a quoted argument (like
"/p:externalsDir=..\externals", for example).
parent cb09dcac
......@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ set target=Build
set dir=%~dp0
if "%1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%1"=="-e" call "%dir%get_externals.bat" & shift & goto CheckOpts
if '%1'=='-c' (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if '%1'=='-p' (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
if '%1'=='-r' (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if '%1'=='-d' (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
if '%1'=='-e' call "%dir%get_externals.bat" & shift & goto CheckOpts
if "%platf%"=="x64" (set vs_platf=x86_amd64)
if '%platf%'=='x64' (set vs_platf=x86_amd64)
rem Setup the environment
call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %vs_platf%
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