Commit c7f8b863 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Describe the HeaderParser class.

parent bf7a59d9
......@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ no magical connection between the \module{email} package's bundled
parser and the \class{Message} class, so your custom parser can create
message object trees in any way it find necessary.
The primary parser class is \class{Parser} which parses both the
headers and the payload of the message. In the case of
\mimetype{multipart} messages, it will recursively parse the body of
the container message. The \module{email.Parser} module also provides
a second class, called \class{HeaderParser} which can be used if
you're only interested in the headers of the message.
\class{HeaderParser} can be much faster in this situations, since it
does not attempt to parse the message body, instead setting the
payload to the raw body as a string. \class{HeaderParser} has the
same API as the \class{Parser} class.
\subsubsection{Parser class API}
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