Commit c823c4f6 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Make check_warnings error messages more informative

parent a4c197df
......@@ -596,22 +596,22 @@ def _filterwarnings(filters, quiet=False):
yield WarningsRecorder(w)
# Filter the recorded warnings
reraise = [warning.message for warning in w]
reraise = list(w)
missing = []
for msg, cat in filters:
seen = False
for exc in reraise[:]:
message = str(exc)
for w in reraise[:]:
warning = w.message
# Filter out the matching messages
if (re.match(msg, message, re.I) and
issubclass(exc.__class__, cat)):
if (re.match(msg, str(warning), re.I) and
issubclass(warning.__class__, cat)):
seen = True
if not seen and not quiet:
# This filter caught nothing
missing.append((msg, cat.__name__))
if reraise:
raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %r" % reraise[0])
raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %s" % reraise[0])
if missing:
raise AssertionError("filter (%r, %s) did not catch any warning" %
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