Commit c82bd728 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Save a new version of the productionlist environment for safe-keeping; this

will be replaced shortly.  See the comments for more details.
parent df8adcd7
......@@ -888,18 +888,35 @@
% This version is being checked in for the historical record; it shows
% how I've managed to get some aspects of this to work. It will not
% be used in practice, so a subsequent revision will change things
% again. This version has problems, but shows how to do something
% that proved more tedious than I'd expected, so I don't want to lose
% the example completely.
\def\orgroup##1{{\def\or{\textbar\ }##1}}
\def\orgroup##1{{\def\oritem{\textbar\ }##1}}
\def\oritem{\\ \textbar&}
% This uses math mode's ``negative thin space'' to avoid a weird
% indentation that I've not been able to figure out, but
% probably relates to nesting tabular environments.
\ & ##1
\newcommand{\note}[1]{\strong{Note:} #1}
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